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Carina Lass

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Posts posted by Carina Lass

  1. Pooling thoughts from more than 200 years of collective experience answering the phone

    This floored me until I realised that the end of the sentence qualified the beginning and should have been started on a new paragraph.

    So ignore the syntax on that article and extract the good intentions.

    Good intentions which I find a little unrealistic, I'm sad to say.

    Enthusiasm is one of those things that makes and urges us to make, instant decisions about what we want.

    Telling us to go to the library is going to make us stop reading the article almost immediately.

    I'd say, to be fair, that most people make the usual error in buying a cheapy "to see if they like it" and end up even more frustrated because it is awful to use and of awful quality.

    My advice? Go to a club and ask someone what they recommend. They'll only be too happy to indulge you with their unique perspective. Tell them how much you want to spend. They may well say they have something that they started with and will loan, sell or give you said machine.

    Go to a proper telescope store (not National Geographic or similar stores that stock mostly toys with pretty pictures on the box and x750 claims of fantasy) and ask the owner for a rundown. He isn't going to stock rubbish and he wants you to come back time and again to buy the next level as your knowledge and interest increase as they usually do.

    Go to the library sure, but don't become a recluse trying to learn the universe from your suburban backyard, because you probably can't see much more than a sky lit with a million HP Sodium lights and maybe the main constellation stars (sometimes -  if it is clear and cool).

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  2. I seem to have the happy knack (to borrow a phrase from Jane Austen) of being unable to make known that I'm being jocular rather than sarcastic or sneering (so I'm told).

    I've been advised to use emoticons to elucidate my prose.

    Sadly my emoticons seem to be absent on my smartphone without going to full version.

    Maybe I should take the trouble to learn html.


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