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Everything posted by NGC1023

  1. Wonderful to look at the many brilliant pictures posted in this thread - many thanks for posting! Up here at 60 deg N I get some consolation to read that we all have to cope with a common challenge; poor weather. Our bright summer nights, plus the location low in the northern sky doesn't improve conditions for observing this comet. Add a splendid display of noctilucent clouds, and observing C/2020 F3 becomes a real challenge . . . Last night I made another attempt at observing and photographing it. Nikon D200 at ISO 1600, 105mm prime lens at f2.5, one 1/2 sec exposure. Slight contrast/brightness editing in Photoshop to approximate what could be seen visually. 26 and 25 UMa above NEOWISE, and SAO43046 below and to the left. Lots of NLCs centered at NNE
  2. A brief report from my current location at 60 deg N. Clouds have put a stop to my first attempt, the second was ruined by those newfangled NLCs, then tonight (July 10th, 01:30 middle European time zone) I managed to see it :-) Not an easy direct vision naked eye object to locate, due to the bright summer nights up here, the NLCs, and drifting normal clouds - but still impressive when I found it in my 7x35s. Picture taken with 105 mm f2.5 objective at 1/30 sec exposure (Nikon D200).
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