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Posts posted by Marky1973

  1. 4 hours ago, LDW1 said:

    You did it right but every time the dazzlers of the foot work always take over, like FS, like Siril, like ....... !  At that point, once again, all the new horizons, the anticipation for beginers in this venture get kicked to the back row. I can hardly wait to get mine and compare with my other and just plain have fun with it out of the boxes.   PS:  For a piece of great, future gear at a super price who really cares about a few hot pixels, enhanced clarity, ........ , I have mentioned who but this never was intended as a contender to the high, high priced whatevers so why would anyone that delves into that high priced dream world expect it to without hours and hours of tedious work.  Surely not bright eyed beginers that are wringing their hands in anticipation of a new future, on a different side of astronomy.

    The Dazzlers of the foot?
    I am lost now.

    As a bright-eyed newbie several years ago I relished the technical stuff that got discussed around me as it helped me develop my knowledge and helped me move over into imaging - something I probably wouldn't have done without those "dazzlers" getting technical around me. And who are you/we to say what those bright-eyed beginners want to hear about. The OP just said themselves they are excited, let people be excited for this EAA/AP device and to talk about all aspects of it. ZWO themselves are touting it as an AP capable device, so rather than shielding people from AP why not embrace it and let people decide for themselves if they want to take it on. If not,  move-along and read the next thread/topic.

    This appeared to be a general thread about the S50 which is why I posted my basic image to enthuse about what it is capable of and then a pretty non-technical discussion about noise gets accused of hijacking the thread and putting people off the device. The only one hijacking this thread is you, pushing yourself as the arbiter of who can discuss what on a thread.

    I took 4 year hiatus from the SGL after selling my equipment and came back and it was like nothing had changed - lots of the same discussions at the top of the various forums, the same old questions about AP - and that is good, it helps people learn, that is what the site was about I thought?

    Anyway, if this is considered rude, the mods can delete/suspend me or whatever, I suspect you have killed this thread anyway, can't see anyone wanting to post in it any more. I've unfollowed it and will just go back to the FB page as they seem to just want to talk about the damn thing and look forward to what it can do.

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, LDW1 said:

    Nothing wrong with being exited, I am as well, its some of the technical details vs the intent of the SeeStar and its beginer audience that causes the concern. At this point I don't think the target users care a thing about intense editing, perceived ......, etc. as I mentioned save but a few. So why should the experienced ' AP'ers ' fill up this great thread about a new piece of fun gear with something that isn't intended for this and its users ie beginers wanting to get in on this EAA corner of the astronomy galaxy. I know it tirers my mind and taxes my brain and I am sure makes many starters think it is / will be more difficult and costly than they thought and that should not be so. But keep up your excitement I sure will !   PS:  Its not surprising it happens all the time and not just in these forums, lol !

    I get that, but i feel it is worth promoting the potential for AP on top of the primary EAA purpose of the S50. There's no danger of me getting too technical on this thread, because I don't understand the half of it.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, LDW1 said:

    I never said you were highjacking, I am in fact agreeing with some of what you say. My reference to highjacking implies that what many are pushing are highjacking the intent of this piece of gear ie a great beginers introduction into dso photo work, eaa if you will not the technical, higher end cr*p that some like to impress with.  For many that are looking for just this sort of enjoyment without spending a lot of $'s it must be bewildering, discouraging, frustrating to think they may be getting into something more than what they thought. Its not hard to figure out. Please cool those boots !   PS:  After a while it gets so tiring to see great threads go flying off into deep space beyond the original intent of whatever the subject may be, never to return back to its origin. I don't think the SeeStar is or was intended as an AP piece of equipment with all that goes with it, lets give these astronomers that want to get their feet wet in this end of the sky a break.  PPS:  A seperate thread on the subjects of editing, perceived noise real or imagined, etc would be appropriate for many to preclude confusion and false issues / concerns.

    Well, your comment was in response to a direct quote from my post, so it reads as if it is aimed directly at me - but if I have misinterpreted what you said, I apologise. All I was doing was adding my excitement about the Seestar to a thread started by someone excited about the Seestar. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, LDW1 said:

    And everyone knows you are not going to so why bring it up on this thread ! Start another one for those that might care, talk about highjacking, lol !

    Cool your boots....I'm not hijacking anything - the thread was started by someone saying the were interested in the Seestar - I'm just giving my opinion about the data I have played with and said nothing but positive things while being honest about my expectations. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 07/07/2023 at 14:46, Louis D said:

    Once I looked at the image on my cheap 27" 4K TN screen for work, I understood what you meant.  Its low dynamic range and low color gamut completely masks the dark chroma noise.  However, I first looked at it on my NEC 2690WUXI2 H-IPS screen I use for photo editing.  Its wide color gamut, high dynamic range (1000:1) showed it plain as day.  I guess it makes a big difference what sort of monitor you're using when viewing images even online.

    Interesting as today was the first time I got to look at the posted image on my home monitor - looks very different from my original picture that is saved on the laptop and I was viewing on my mobile - the noise shows up much more in the posted image.  Always going to differ depending on what you process on and then what you view on - as the Seestar feels like it is meant for mobiles/tablets and social media sharing, this probably shouldn't be too much of an issue - for me its definitely a quick fix of "wow look what's up there" rather than professional level imaging, which you aren't going to get with the Seestar.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Louis D said:

    I hope you don't mind, but I ran the image through 20+ year old noise reduction software I was talking about to smooth out the chroma noise a bit.  I then did some selective levels adjustments in a 20+ year old version of PS Elements to suppress the false background cirrus.  I think the problem is that this astro-cam is using a tiny imaging chip prone to noise just like the P&S digital cameras from 20 years ago.


    Don't mind at all, I just did 5 minutes using a very brief tutorial for siril which I've never used before....nd I definitely pushed it too far Nd clipped the data.

    Never going to expect miracles, but I till don't think it's bad for the data.

    What noise reduction software are you talking about?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Elp said:

    It's not a complaint, I think it looks fine


    11 minutes ago, LDW1 said:

    I didn't say it was a complaint, I said ' what noise ', where is it in that great looking, overall picture ?

    Okay guys, play nice now! I didn't mean to cause arguments.

    This is an EAA scope that just happens to allow people to dabble in basic astrophotography. The images will be basic and suffer from the Alt-Az mount dictating short subs, and noise from an uncooled 2mp sensor.

    It's not meant to replace a 10k fully guided set-up, it's just mean to be fun....which I think it looks like it will be, whether it leads you into more visual astronomy or astrophotography.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Elp said:

    Looks decent. Most of the pizzazz in AP images comes after the post processing, but even as a general observational tool it looks okay. And it likely doesn't weigh much at all so convenient to take places.

    Yeah, it's small and light enough to whip out anywhere....and apparently very quick to set up, so should be a nice gateway drug into the hobby ..or back into it. Or just a fun totally for the experts who just want a quick fix. There are a few more examples of images on FB, all with a low number of 10s subs, but all perfectly acceptable as examples of what is up there.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, LDW1 said:

    You did note a cost comparison that was part of your ' exciting ' / ' promising ' mention vs normal AP costs to delve into that sink hole, I hope ?  At that point the eyebrows should arch up pretty good, lol !

    Considering my previous camera alone was over 3 times the cost of this, it's definitely a more attractive prospect to beginners!

  10. 21 minutes ago, Louis D said:

    What's with all the flocculence in the background sky?  Is it sensitive enough to pick up some sort of Integrated Flux Nebula that I've never seen in other M51 images?

    Dunno, it's just 20 minutes of 10s subs that I downloaded from Google Docs....I suspect it is a combination of walking noise, poor processing and the seeing conditions at the time. Like I said it's promising, but will never compare to dedicated set ups. 

  11. Think this looks exciting. I've been 'out of the game' for a few years and this looks like a good cheap way to get back into things. I don't have much time for astronomy at the moment so this looks like a good option to get the bug back while I prepare the wallet for a drubbing!

    I know it's not going to be comparable to 20 minute guided subs, but there are some examples over on Facebook of what you can get with a few minutes of 10 second exposures and I think it looks promising for amateurs like me


    There is data included on that link and I had a play with the M51 data...20 minutes of 10s exposures in Siril....and the results are promising....not blow your socks off, but definitely promising....I have low expectations but have a pre-order in ... (I should also point out I am not the best at processing! 😁)


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  12. 3 minutes ago, RayD said:

    Hi Mark.  I notice you mention you tried this with a nosepiece.  Did this achieve focus ok?

    Hi Ray

    Not tried yet - I was just playing around when it turned up. Sadly (very very frustratingly) I damaged my Horizon just before the reducer arrived so I don't have the camera to test it out at the moment! ? I haven't tried it with a DSLR either....sorry! If we get some clear weather I can try it out, but not looking great at the moment! Very wet!

  13. Well, it wouldn't be the first time I had bought something twice! ? Thought it was odd it wasn't threaded specifically for the ED72! ?  What's more worrying is I never even looked at the reducer and noticed that it was printed with ED80 on the side!! The adapter fits very well though and the whole thing fits nicely. Now you mention it the instructions in the box are for the ED80 as it shows the retention ring, etc on the drawtube which seemed off, but makes sense. Tried it out with my 2" nose-piece and that works well. Will see how it all fits up when I get the Horizon back from Atik. The nosepiece might actually be favourable if you need to adjust the position of the camera as, without a retention ring on the drawtube, the adapter will only screw up tight into one orientation. I want to use the adapter as it is more "robust" but will have to see if that works when the filter wheel/camera is all in place and whether I can orient them the way I want. 

    Interesting then that the reducer/flattener doesn't have to be finely tuned to the scope? Does it have any affect on the distance from reducer to sensor or will that still be the standard 56mm (ish)?

  14. Is it a worthwhile replacement for bog standard finders? I guess it depends on what you want from it, but it is a lovely little bit of kit and very well made....it's not cheap, but then there are more expensive models out there! 

    Only been playing for a bit, but it gives some very clear views and I stuck a ZWOasi120mm in the end two nights ago and, with very little fiddling took 300 frames as the moon travelled across the field of view.....and this came out....(after stacking obviously!:-) )


    Which seems pretty nice for just pointing it at the moon and pressing "capture" in sharp cap.

    Not tried the DSLR in it yet, but may get around to that when I have more time.

    I don't think I'll have any troubles with it for guiding.

    • Like 3
  15. Just wanted to note some great service from Juan at Cheapastrophotography. I bought a modded EOS 100D from him a while back and recently sold it on via SGL. There were a few issues with the camera that were explained in the advert, but which the buyer needed some help with. We contacted Juan for some information regarding the faults and he helped identify the potentials issues and offered solutions that went above and beyond the call of usual customer services. If I am ever in the market for a modded DSLR in the future, Juan will be first choice without at doubt.

  16. Just another thumbs up for the usual excellent service from FLO. Ordered a C9.25 yesterday morning and it is currently sat at home waiting to be ogled over. As ever, the absolute best price and service, and Steve has been incredibly helpful with info and communication...it won't be the last time I place an order! Already looking at accessories! :icon_biggrin:

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  17. Just a quick post to thank FLO and ATIK for sorting out my ATIK 414EX that I was having trouble with. Sent off and purged of any moisture and re-sealed by ATIK and all facilitated by FLO, so big thank-yous to Vince and Steve - great service as ever.

    I mean, I was slightly disappointed they didn't say it was beyond help but, unfortunately, they were only able to replace it was an Atik One, but you can't have everything I guess. :icon_biggrin:

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