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Everything posted by DanLXIX

  1. If you are making one, how long would you aim for? Is it a case of the longer the better?
  2. Thanks for that. I only expected limited ability but I never thought about the ZWO camera. I'll get a film filter and have a play.
  3. I'm wanting to have a go a solar imaging this year, I've never done anything at all with solar. With the gear in my signature, what would I be able to achieve and what filters would be best to get?
  4. Is there any benefit to adding a dew shield like this one to my 150PDS to help reduce the chance of light artefacts from neighbouring lights? I realise these are more for dew control on refractors, but do they help with light on a newt?
  5. It's quite remarkable what you can get from a quick snap really. This is a single 300 second exposure. I wasn't trying to do a proper capture on this because I was setting some things up so this was actually a test shot. I tried to get a few more but the clouds came in. All I've done is stretched it in Photoshop and tweaked it in Lightroom. I'm looking forward to doing this again properly
  6. So up to now I've been using BackYardNikon to drive my camera and focuser, and Stellarium and the SynScan app to conrol my telescope. Having just started to dabble with guiding, I've just connected PHD2 and hit go without really knowing that much. My next step with this was to introduce Astrotortilla to help with finding things, and I've installed it but not had any clear skies to begin to try anything out. Before I head down this path, is there a better route to take? I've just learned about NINA tonight which has triggered this question.
  7. As it's been cloudy, I thought I'd have another go at stacking the Orion Nebula pictures I took. I think this is looking a lot better than my previous attempt.
  8. Same here, I emailed them and got this reply I've installed and it's all working fine.
  9. Good to know, thanks. I've totally forgotten the processing workflows so I know these aren't great.
  10. Skywatcher 150P-DS on an EQ5 PRO. I've just updated my signature to include a few other bits I've got.
  11. So 2 years after buying my guidescope, I finally got the chance to test it out on Friday night. Having had everything boxed up for two years (for lots of reasons), I've had to spend the last couple of months re-learning things again, getting things working and discovering the difficulties of my new location. I re-shot the Orion nebula simply because it's an easy place to start a refresh. This is where I discovered some of my local challenges with light, which is really annoying when the sky is actually much darker here than it is back in Sheffield. Then it was finally time to try out the guidescope. It took me a while to get setup and working simply on the 'click go and see what happens' approach, and again I picked Pleiades as an easy target, but I was really happy to see a 4 minute exposure looking pretty good. The output from these two nights are not technically good pictures and Pleiades wasn't even properly framed (a bit too low on the shot) because it was more about getting it working, but I'm just happy I'm back up and running again
  12. It's not the handset that's the problem though, I don't use it. It's the motor control box that's faulty. I use the WiFi adaptor and drive it from my laptop.
  13. I've tried powering the handset directly and it lights up and beeps 3 times but nothing else. The WiFi adaptor doesn't power up when plugged into the unit, so I'm getting nothing from it at all. Looks like I'm going to have to replace it 🙄 Can you even buy these on there own?
  14. Sadly not, the WiFi adapter doesn't work when it's plugged in as well, so I looks like a problem on the main board.
  15. Well it also behaves in the same way in the car, so I think it's safe to say its faulty. Are they repairable, or is it a replacement I'm looking at?
  16. I think I'll plug in into the car and see what happens.
  17. It's worth adding that I had the WIFI adaptor on before which wasn't powering up, so I put the handset on. I also tried powering it from a 12v PSU but that was only a 1A supply so I don't know if that is enough, but I got the same result.
  18. Ahh dammit, wrong link. Sorry, I've no idea now I managed to do that. This is the correct video, and I've updated the original link too.
  19. Long time no see from me. It's been 18 months since I've been able to dig out my gear and I finally got the chance last night so I thought I'd set up and check everything out. Physically everything is good, but the EQ5 controller won't start up properly - it lights up the hand controller and beeps and then that is it. It's connected to a fully charged power pack that I was using before so I don't think it's that. Has anyone seen this happen? This video shows it. To add to my challenges, I've now moved to Denmark so I'm not sure at the moment where I would go to get this repaired.
  20. DanLXIX

    Whirlpool Galaxy

    From the album: DSO's

  21. DanLXIX

    Pinwheel Galaxy

    From the album: DSO's

  22. DanLXIX


    Solar system objects
  23. DanLXIX

    The Moon

    From the album: Planetary

  24. DanLXIX

    Andromeda Galaxy

    From the album: DSO's

    My second DSO attempt and the first go at imaging it. Made some mistakes but managed to process it to an acceptable level.
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