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Status Updates posted by chrisward

  1. My daughters bought me an Astromaster 130EQ for christmas, love them lots. in the very few weather windows we've had since then I've managed to catch the moon, jupiter and the orion nebula. I'm really struggling with the red dot finder on the scope, I have to keep putting on and removing my glasses to see those tiny red dots! Any suggestions?

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    2. emadmoussa


      Also, keep both eyes open. Like looking through a glass window...you look through it at the object behind it.



      Hi. Try piggy backing a camera on the top of the scope then use its zoom lens as a star finder. I too have a 130 and it works every time.

      Quick tip for anyone assembling a celestron 130 eq, before inserting the elevation screw put some vaseline or similar on it. Mine seized and i had a job adjusting the elevation

    4. Tinker1947


      Just get a Telrad....:)

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