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Posts posted by MushroomBill

  1. Wonder if anyone can help with this one? 

    This one came with some bits and pieces that I was given.  I haven't used it and wondered about selling it on.  Just need some details.

    An achro with a 4" cell.  Don't know the f value or the brand?  Any ideas?  Think it may be a Phenix?  Also what sort of value would it have? £100?

    Thanks in advance.

    P.s. Anyone want a telescope? 😆






  2. It had slipped my mind that it was today - it's been quite a day and my work phone hasn't stopped ringing.  By chance I opened a web news page and saw the coverage.  Memory now jogged.  The sky outside brightened and the sun was out - it was clearly meant to be. 

    Grabbed the Lunt, a camera tripod and EP and dashed outside.  No good in the back garden so have to go out to the front - not ideal - hate making a spectacle.  A neighbour asked what I was up to and told me I shouldn't point a telescope at the sun...  Good advice but I quickly explained.

    Found a good spot but all a bit wobbly on the tripod. The biting wind not helping but just as I've got it lined up, the same neighbour decides to switch on his (previously out of sight) pressure washer to clean his camper van.  Could see the huge amount of spray heading my way so quickly had to move everything and start again.  Managed to see it from vantage point 2 and now its gone cloudy again.

    Maybe I'll get the camera ready for 2032!

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  3. Redcat arrived yesterday. 

    Feared the worst with the weather changing but very amazed that the sky suddenly cleared at 1am.  Set everything up in record time and managed to get 4 subs before clouded out again.  Not often you get first light on day one of ownership though.  Sadly no time to run through the rest of the filters.

    Elephants Trunk, 4 x 10m, Baader Ha filter with Atik One.  Stacked in DSS and adjusted the levels a bit.


    Redcat-Elephants-Trunk 2.jpg

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