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Posts posted by Yoddha

  1. 12 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    I hate to say this but... it doesn't do very much does it? I get the same from Clear Outside app and that tells me the weather as well.

    Hi Neil,

    It is matter of taste :) I prefer to use other forecast and this app fits my needs to check if particular night has enough time for imaging ;)

    Also it was fun to build it (in fact my wife made the Android version, I built the iOS). It is absolutely free - no ads, no tracking or marketing data gathering. If it is useful for somebody - great! If it is not - nothing bad is happening :) It is a gift for the community - wanted or unwanted :D

    BTW I also use it for a fast way to see my GPS coordinates ;) 

    • Like 2
  2. 12 hours ago, happy-kat said:

    Hi, I'm having trouble with the app on both my devices. I've got a saved location set up on both and attempt to switch to it and what ever I try, refresh, save and calc etc, my DSD times are N/A. The app is up to date, and have tried with location services on or off.

    6.1 and 4.3

    Anything you can suggest I try please?


    The Moon is big now and there is no absolute darkness... Could you try to change the date using Prev/Next or by tapping on the date?

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hello,
    There is an update of APT DC
    What's New
    2018/01/31 - v1.1 New features and more
    - Added possibility to use the app on devices without GPS
    - Added possibility to copy the current coordinates as stored location
    - Added possibility to grant GPS access from the app, no need to go to the applications settings
    - Reduced messages for getting the GPS coordinates
    - Removed unused permission requirement for “full network access”
    - Fixed a spelling error
    - Optimizations here and there
  4. Don't get me wrong :) I don't say that there is no need to implement the compensation in the controller/driver... Just if the imaging application is capable I would use it...

    BTW keep in mind that optics are inert and react relatively slow to the temperature changes. Wind gust will give rapid changes of the temperature reading, but this doesn't mean that focus is changing. A good approach is to average the readings for certain period and then to decide if there is need to change the focus :)

  5. There is one more approach.

    On address PosOffset in the EEPROM are reserved 2 bytes. They keep the memory address where the position is stored. So when you need to store the position it uses the address, writes the value, then reads it back and if it is no the same, then increase the address PosOffset with two more bytes and start to use a new cell :)

    Here is my code:

    void WritePosition(unsigned int Value)
        unsigned int Address = ReadTwoBytes(PosOffset);   
        WriteTwoBytes(Address, Value);   
        if(Value != ReadTwoBytes(Address))
            WriteTwoBytes(PosOffset, Address+2);
            WriteTwoBytes(Address, Value);

    So It is important to place the first PosOffset to point after all other stored variables in order to be able to use the rest of the EEPROM. Also you can increase the life of the cells by using timer that is started on button press and when the button is released to store the position just once ;)

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