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Posts posted by 1DegreeN

  1. If you are using the ASCOM driver there is a tick box option to "remove overscan area" when an image is downloaded - perhaps you have that ticked on one computer but not the other? The overscan area is not required for image processing so that check box would usually be selected.

  2. I've had the AZ EQ6 GT for a few years and then last year got an EQ6R and I've been running these side by side over a few dozen nights. Each is similarly loaded - the AZ EQ6 GT has a WO FLT110 and the EQ6R carries a WO ZS103. Ancillary equipment is the same on both scopes but the FLT110 is a fair bit heavier than the lightweight ZS103 so the AZ EQ6 GT is carrying the heavier load. Tracking (with guiding) is slightly better on the EQ6R. I have some intermittent DEC stiction on the AZ EQ6  which has always been there but not so severe as to tempt me to try to fix it. The EQ6R has been very clean, although it is still quite new. In the battle of the knobs the EQ6R wins: the altitude adjustment on the AZ EQ6 is better but the azimuth adjustment and the saddle knobs on the EQ6R are better.  The AZ EQ6 is a big lump to lug around and awkward to get hold of, the carry handle on the EQ6R really helps. I've used both rigs exclusively for imaging and I've never tried the AZ EQ6  in AZ mode but I've read others praise that mount in that mode. 


  3. Anyone else having trouble with Search on Stellarium? It stopped working for me last Sunday, getting a "Socket operation timed out" error for both the Strasbourg and Harvard servers. Same problem from both my desktop PC and a laptop. I was on 18.2 but upgraded to first 19.1 and then 19.2 but the problem persists. Running x64 on Windows 10. I thought perhaps my IP was blocked but I can complete a traceroute to the Strasbourg server ( and I can access the web query site https://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-fid

  4. You can also use SharpCap to test that the Polemaster is working. With the polemaster connected, just look under the Cameras menu in SharpCap and it should be listed. You will probably have to tweak gain and exposure settings to see anything but in daylight the image should be white unless you can turn the gain and exposure down far enough to see any detail. 

  5. It is a lovely scope but please note that it doesn't include in the box any accessories for visual use. At the very least I think you would need to buy the WO Rotolock Visual Back Adapter.  I think you would be best to check with the retailer to confirm that you will be able to use your existing diagonal, eyepieces  etc. (if any?), or which visual accessories are compatible with it.

  6. I have a problem with the RA belt on my AZ-EQ6GT where the teeth are coming off the belt. I opened the housing to find a fine yellow/green dust coating the bottom - this being material from the belt. One tooth was completely gone and others were on their way. I've never done any adjustments on the mount before and have no idea what caused this. I guess I may have had the RA clutch tightened too much at one point, that's the only thing I can think of. Anyway, thanks to the very helpful info in this thread I have a replacement belt on its way.

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