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Posts posted by Stardust1

  1. Congrats with the mount. The only issue that I can think of is maybe the weight, otherwise for the price it's a great mount.

    Regarding the clamp, that's a good advice. I'm still using the stock clamp which works oke. But an upgrade to ADM or Baader makes life easier, especially if you are mounting heavy loads on the mount.

  2. My previews comments was regarding visual only. Online there are images taken with C9, C11 or C14 (or dobsons) that are comparable to above. If planetary imaging was my thing, I would get a Celestron or a dobson, less expensive, but still capable.


    On Astrobin I came across this picture, taken with a 12" and a 16" big dobsons, though less expensive then a Mewlon 180:  https://www.astrobin.com/ep094e/

    And this picture, taken with a 12" dobson, costing around £1000 pounds: https://www.astrobin.com/z81r2h/


    For general imaging I think the Celestron C8 Edge makes more sense then the Mewlon 180 or 210. Out of the box the C8 Edge has flat field, and with the reducer you get to F/7, it's a full stop faster. If planetary imaging is what you are after, yeah, the Mewlon 210 would have advantage over C8 or Mewlon 180. I haven't used the C8 Edge for imaging, though I have the reducer for it. I love visual, it's relaxing, it's fascinating to see the objects with your own eyes. When I image with my FSQ85, I don't look up, I'm starring in to a laptop screen.  

    Past summer we had a few excellent nights. I was surprised by the performance of the C8 Edge. I had the C8 next to FS-102NSV, and I was at the eyepiece looking at Jupiter longer in the C8 then the FS-102. The FS-102 has text book star test that I can see on either side. The C8 Edge, at least the sample that I have, has really good optics. Now in the winter, the C8 has disadvantage compared to the FS102, due to cooling. I'm planning to insulate the C8, I know it will help with cooling, how much, will see.  

    Having said all of this, the Tak look and feel, the blue or green color, one can't blame itself for getting a Tak instead of a Celestron. The Mewlon (or any Tak refractor) on a Tak mount, EM-11 or EM-200 looks just amazing in the living room 😀

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  3. On 19/11/2022 at 11:57, Fedele said:

    I take advantage of this post. Does anyone have both 180c and 210 and can you tell me something concrete about the differences?
    I need the opinion of those who have both thanks

    I've had both, the 180 and 210. But not at the same time. If you don't mind the bigger size of the 210, I would definitely go with the 210. Globular clusters and the Moon was impressive in the 210. Bigger aperture never hurts in the field. I have an excellent C8 Edge sample which holds me back of getting another 210.


    If you want absolute portability then the 180 is an excellent scope. Here a photo of the Mewlon 180 next to the TEC-140ED. And the last one, Mewlon 180, TEC-140 and FS-102NSV.



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  4. I can use glasses with all the 70° XW eyepieces. According to the above chart the affective eye relief of the 70° XW is 15mm. The new  90° XW eyepieces have affective eye relief of 12mm, that's only 3mm shorter. It might be that it will be difficult to use glasses as the AFOV of 90° XW is wider then the 70° XW. It would be a disappointment for some of us if the  90° XW eyepieces can't be used with glasses, only because of the design, that's the rubber eye cup.

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  5. I had an EM-200 which had an elevation adjustments of max 50 degrees. I live above 50 degrees latitude. Under the tripod leg that was pointing to the north I would put a piece of wood. That worked for me. The Tak mounts doesn't have to be leveled. 

    Takahashi solution for those living above 50 degrees latitude, is their level adjusters in Tak blue color 😃


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  6. I observe sometimes with contacts and sometimes with glasses. I don't use eyecup extenders for the Morpheus eyepieces. I have no issue with the eye relief. Though the Morpheus 6.5mm is more challenging when using glasses. The Morpheus 17.5 and 12.5 are glass friendly, I can take the whole AFOV with ease and without any eye strain. 

    I do have some eyepieces with tight eye relief, like the XO 5 and 2.5 mm. The eye relief of the XO 5 is at the limit, but still doable. 

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  7. 13 hours ago, Shimrod said:

    It's now on the FLO website at £1909 or £1999 depending on whether you go for the bundled tripod. Looks like it needs a computing device (The ASAIR PRO) to provide go-to functionality which would account for some of the difference between this and the RST135. Even at £2000 (non-discounted price) it is out of my price range, but if this does mark the start of lighter weight heavy capacity mounts, something like this could replace my AVX and AZ-GTI in the future. I'm not brave enough to be an early adopter though!

    According to ZWO the AM5 can connect with Sky Safari over WiFi. So, it might be comparable with AZ-GTI, as of remote control is concerned, that you would need a mobile phone or a computer to use the mount.

    Using a phone is doable, but in my experience a dedicated hand controller is always preferable when using the mount for visual. For astrophotography a hand controller is not needed.

    If ZWO AM5 performs as advertised, it's going to be a hard sell for RST135.

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