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Posts posted by paulastro

  1. Has anyone out there tried using the A13 with any of the Starsense Explorer telescope range?

    A friend of mine has bought an A13 and he can't get it to work.  I've tried helping him virtually, he lives a long way away from me, but so far it's still not working.  I feel it should work, it's apparently not on the list - but neither is my phone and others which work either!  

    So if you have tried an A13, I'd be most grateful to hear how you got on.

    Many thanks, Paul


  2. 7 minutes ago, Jbn1 said:

    Looks like it’s been fixed for Android/Google phones today with latest software update.  Now works first time.  Good news. You can ignore my previous post now!

    Presumably you mean the latest Android update, not an app update?  A friend of mine is having problems and it would be good to give him some good news.  Alas, he lives a long way from me so I can't just pop along and help him sort it out.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

    Just read this report and took out the PST straight away. Its large - well worth a look. Thanks to Peter and Paul for the 'heads up'.

    Now added the double stack - really impressive. Well done Paul for the active updates.

    I'm very pleased you managed to it yoursel Mark 👍.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    Great thanks! I actually did choose the needs alignment once during the night but was discouraged when I didn't immediately see anything on the screen and figured the app was designed for daytime alignment only. 

    Maybe I wasn't aimed at a bright enough object like Vega, I will try again at night but you are correct in saying its good enough, I shouldn't chase perfection. 


    You're welcolme Sunshine.  You are right, it is difficult to see stars on the screen at first during night mode alignment. When I first did it, I couldn't see any stars at first, like yourself, it was only after I zoomed in that I started to see them.  Its made worse if the sky is fairly light or you're looking g down toward the horizon.  Once you're zoomed inthey are much clearer.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Sunshine, the accuracy you already have is actually very good, better than some goto scopes I've used.  My own accuracy sounds very similiar, and I'm more than happy with it.  Though, you can align it at night of course, or re- align it.

    When you first swith SS on, choose 'needs alignment' and it let's you align it with the crosshairs.  I've done this myself and it works  fine. Just choose a bright star or planet to align on and zoom in to do the final alignment at the maximum mag.

  6. 38 minutes ago, Astro_Dad said:

    Yes, the app development and its background database upgrades are independent of the ‘scope used with it - you can own and receive updates to the Srarsense app without owning a telescope at all. The unlock code only allows the app to be used to navigate with a telescope and plate solve. I had the app downloaded prior to buying the StarSense Dob and that was how I noticed it had been upgraded with more deep sky objects - to take advantage of the larger apertures of the newer Dobsonian models. It looks to be an increasingly popular idea to buy the cheapest version possible of the StarSense system to then adapt another ‘scope. Lots of examples on SGL of this working successfully. The newly updated app is interesting in that there is obvious overlap and duplication between the “more deep sky” section and other parts of the app, but nevertheless it’s an impressively comprehensive database and as noted is probably similar or the same as Sky Safari plus. 

    You're certainly correct in saying the database is impressive Andrew.  I've been delving into it to find what catalogues are in it so I know where to search for object types I'm particularly interested in observing.  

    There is necessary duplication, partly because so many objects are in several catalogues. I get the feeling just about every object you're likely to want to observe is in there if you know where to look.   I like observing open clusters and double stars for instance, and I'd never came across many of the catalogues I found for them before.  Comprehensive doesn't do it justice.

    A friend of mine had the 70mm refractor Starsense Explorer delivered this morning.  The phone holder/ mirror is now attached to a 20 inch dob waiting for some clear weather.  At £169 for such a comprehensive, easy to use and accurate object finding device, it must be the bargain of all bargains!

    I hasten to add, my StarSense device is staying with the 8inch dob it arrived with 😊.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, DaveL59 said:

    tis a very handy mod to do, tho once he has it and the unlock code its not that hard to make your own cradle and have both scopes usable with the app 😉 

    Many thanks Dave, Ill pass this onto my friend, unlike me this would be a walk in the park for him 🙂.

    Now you've mentioned the possibility, I can imagine some enterprising person setting up to do this for other people.  Much as years ago someone did this to adapt customers PSTs ,  to PST mods. They had a stall at Astrofest one year!  I think I remember who it was, but I won't say in case I've got it wrong 😄.



  8. Of course there's othing to stop you having two tripods for the same mount.  I have several tripods and four altaz mounts (AZ4, Manfrotto 393, Scopetech Zero, and a Takahashi altaz.  

    Which combination depends on what scope I'm using, if I'm observing at home,  means of travel and what I will be observing - for deep sky and general sweeping  you dont generally have to use higher powers so often.

    Of course I've bought these tripods/mounts over a long period, and I'm not suggesting you go out and buy several mounts and tripods.  However you could have two tripods for your mount, one lighter for traveling and a more substantial mount when you're not.   Buy the one you think will be most useful for how you observe first of all, and buy a second one when funds allow.


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  9. 8 hours ago, Sunshine said:

    Yes! the surprise will certainly wear off and it will become routine, which is a good thing but the convenience is sure welcome. I'm wondering if starsense would work faster with a faster phone? I should receive new phone in the mail soon to replace my ancient iPhone 6S, the new one is much faster but will it be able to plate solve faster as a result? with less pausing while moving to a target, maybe.

    Clear skies!

    That's interesting, look forward to hearing if the new phone makes a difference.  

    • Like 1
  10. Sunshine, your original post would make a great review, it really captures the excitement of what it's like when you first used the Starsense.  I'm surprised every time I switch mine on and it works, it's just crazy.  Perhaps when I've had it a year or two, the surprise element may have worn off 😊

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