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Posts posted by hazegood

  1. Hey all,

    I recently bought a basic T adapter and ring for my DSLR but it just doesn't seem to focus, after research I found that it will be very hard with just a normal T-Adapter as these newtonions aren't suited for it (Not long/big enough), better to use a webcam.

    However I'd still like to give it a shot as naturally DSLR's will give better image quallity, I noticed this: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/celestron-eyepieces/celestron-2x-universal-125-barlow.html

    Will this work/aid the DSLR and is it worth buying or shall I just wait until I get a bigger scope? I don't mind spending the £24 if it will work to get my first basic images.

    I tried using a webcam which worked fine with a 25mm eyepiece (Moon imaging) but anything 10mm or below it doesn't focus enough, even with manual focusing (Microsoft Lifecam 5001). Which brings me to my next question.

    Should I be using a webcam with an eyepiece or should I just use it like a T-Adapter with no eyepiece attached?


    I just reread the OP and got confused.

    A webcam will focus fine on a 130,  a dslr will not,

    but it seems he is trying to use a DSLR with an eyepiece,

    Can you please clarify is that's the case?|

    As normally with a dlsr you use a T ring adapter and a nose piece instead of an eye piece, it still wont focus on this scope, but at least will make sure we are talking about the same thing.

    Also just youy the webcam no eyepeice

  2. Yes It needs a barlow as the focus tube doesn't go in enough to achieve focus.

    Problem is if you put you adapter in the barlo you get too much magnification sometimes so what i do is unscrew the barlows lens and screw it on the adaptor. This brings the camera about 10 mm closer to the tube reducing magnification

    I have the same issue as the OP and am considering moving the primary but your idea is something I have not tried,

    Just to clarify are you saying unscrew the lens form the barlow and attach that to the adapter or unscrew the lens from the barlow and attach the barlow?

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