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Posts posted by scorpio1948

  1. Hi Gethyn and Scott,

    I haven't been too active this last month or so. Another 'hobby' has been time consuming.

    Anyway. as I'm relatively new to astronomy I can vouch for this forum. A great, helpful bunch.

    For, Scott, I live just down the road, Swansea  :grin:

    Welcome from another 'Newbie'

  2. Hi All,

    Following advice I received from several members on this Forum, I've been in touch (E-Mail) with Flo.

    As a newbie I had quite a few questions for them.

    In all fairness, they answered straight away, even though it was a Bank Holiday weekend. Very impressed by the service.

    I have ordered several items from them, including a heated dew shield, and all the stuff recommended to go with it, plus a focussing mask. 

    Unfortunately, one of the items was out of stock, they immediately e-mailed me and asked me if I wanted to wait or if I wanted to split the order. (The out-of-stock item was a 12V mains adapter).

    With the current weather I can't see anyone in this area doing any Stargazing, so I decided to wait.

    I only ordered yesterday (31/05).

    Anyway, their communications were easy to understand with no double-sales-talk, as a matter of fact they made a suggestion that actually saved me money.

    Like I said, Very impressed, just have to wait to see how long it will take before they re-stock the adapter.

    Cheers All


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  3. Hi All, Thanks for the welcome, I should have quoted my last post. It was a direct reply to L8-Nite, but of course it is there for everyone. A little update about myself. Recently retired I decided to take up Astronomy (so far so good), I live in an Apartment block, SA1 area, overlooking Swansea Bay. Most of my viewing so far has been from my balcony, Views to the North and East are totally blocked by my building, but I have a fair view of the South and West. Light pollution is my biggest problem, especially stray light. To help with this I bought some dense, black Pond Liner and made a blackout covering my whole balcony, (comes down in the day or my Mrs would throw a wobbler) works great and cuts the stray light completely. I bought a Celestron 114EQ just to try things out, but I guess when time and money permits I will be upgrading. On the few clear nights we've had since I started this hobby I have been fascinated by what I've observed, mostly the moon and Jupiter, Saturn was in the East and wouldn't become visible for me until around 4am, sods law, after waiting up it clouded over. Anyway, I'm looking forward to sharing my exploits and photos with you. Hopefully I won't stretch your minds too far, as I think I'm going to need loads of tips and advice. Cheers All, Pete. PS Sorry about the long paragraph, my return key don't work here.

  4. Thanks Mike, Transport could be a problem, even with a bus pass I don't think the bus driver would appreciate me lugging all my gear on-board. LOL. I'll have to wait for one of my sons to give me a lift. Still, looks like I'm going to enjoy this Forum, I've had a good welcome and everyone seems very friendly. Thanks again. Pete. PS. sorry about the long paragraph, my return key isn't working on this site.

  5. Hi All,

    Please excuse my ignorance, but not only am I new to Astronomy, I'm also new to this forum.

    Where is the Link/Tab to join this group or is it automatic?

    I am from Swansea, living in the SA1 area overlooking Swansea Bay. Yup, as you can imagine, my biggest problem is light pollution and stray light from the floodlights covering the docks and marina.

    I even saw an oil tanker on Jupiter, Oops! just a reflection.

    Anyway, looking forward to meeting some of you one day



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