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Posts posted by Mattscar

  1. Hi everyone

    While on my honeymoon in Scotland a couple of months back my wife suggested I take a picture of the Plough while we were out one night. I took a couple of shots, got back to the hotel room to review on my ipad and found a green glow in the corner. After a little bit of thinking (I was 3 whiskeys in by this point) I realised I had accidentally photographed the northern lights. Going back outside to take a couple more wasn't an option as the weather had changed and the next night was clouded over. This means I only actually had two pictures I could attempt to process.

    Having never processed much like this before (my previous asto pics have been taken using my scope and a webcam/afocal iphone) I'm a little unsure if I've over-processed it and am now completely doubting if it looks good or not. I've attaached the before and after versions here and I'm looking for any advice or reassurance that Im atleast going in the right direction.

    Obviously, in an ideal world, I would have realised what I was doing at the time and attempted to get a better framed version or done several exposures to create a composite image. But as it is, this is what I have to work with and really would like to make it look as good as possible as a souvenir from our honeymoon. Im aware there is a lot of noise in the originals as the ISO was set very high and I didn't take any darks (whiskey and love can make you make silly photography choices!)

    (Please note the unedited version is a screenshot taken from lightroom as Im unaware of a way to put CR2 files in here)





    Raw 1.jpg

    Raw 2.jpg

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  2. Ever since these kind of pages have started appearing on social media, alot more of my friends have started paying attention to the kind of content they post and started talking to me about it, so as far as Im concerned they are a great way of quickly disseminating information out to people. 

    Didn't know she did a child friendly one aswell as Iv been asked by some people to find a good science but not overly complicated one to follow :)

  3. Brilliant research into something Iv been looking at myself. If there is any way someone could turn this into either a PDF or excell that would be great.

    Forgive my noob ignorance, but astroplanner? What is this thing of which I feel I should know about?

  4. Iv only been here for a day and have one question/suggestion/musing as it were but Im sure its in place for a reason.

    Im surmising that to post in the 'tell us about yourselves' thread and start a new topic introducing yourself, you need to have already posted on a couple of things and been here for a day or so. I couldnt spot this rule exactly in the welcome pages but from the others that you have (that are all very sensible I might add) Im guessing thats the case.

    In my specific case, if what I have guessed turns out to be true, this is my second post so beware of another newbie introduction incoming!

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