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Everything posted by Ozone

  1. Hey, quick question. I am using a 150mm mak with an asi224mc and IR filter that came with it. If I have reached focus on a star (with the bahtinov) focus should be focus right? I shouldn't have to do any focus adjust when I slew to Jupiter, correct? (Stupid question, but I gotta ask😊).
  2. Hopefully this will be my last question about this topic, what is the difference between a pec pad and a new microfiber cleaning cloth that comes from the eye doctor?
  3. Thanks Ricochet, I found one with a rubber tip! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01H3HPHZK/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  4. Baniaxed, I am assuming this is what your referring to? https://www.amazon.com/XSport-Hurricane-Blower-Cleaner-Cleaning/dp/B01CI4G6V2
  5. Please elaborate on the whole process with the mild soap cleanup. Worried I will screw something up worse than it is. Thanks in advance.
  6. Elaborate on this please. What soap, what mixture? What type of lens cleaner. For glasses? Dry with clean microfiber cloth?
  7. It's not the Barlow. The spots showed with two different Barlow lenses. I am also doing photography and looking at the computer. Not through the telescope. You can see in the above image that the spots are on the outside of the telescope lens.
  8. This is what I am talking about. It's on the outside. I blew on it with a squeeze ball and some of it moved. How should I proceed?
  9. Sorry about that. Looks like it's on the outside to me. I will get a picture tonight. It's an Orion 150mm. I only use the Barlow on the moon. Noticed the spots last night when I could finally view the moon. I even switched Barlow's.
  10. I'm sure this has been asked. Even though my mak stays capped and bagged, it appears I have dust/moisture drops on the corrector lens (it's only 1-2 years old). Anyone have a safe easy way of cleaning it? I really appreciate the help. Not noticeable until I use the Barlow.
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