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Posts posted by bomberbaz

  1. 8 minutes ago, Gfamily said:

    If you scroll down on the data for JWST there seem to be multiple streams listed - so the upstream is 16kb/s, but there are two 28Mb/s and one 40 kb/s downstream signals 


    • DATA RATE 16.00 kb/sec
    • FREQUENCY 2.09 GHz


    • DATA RATE 40.00 kb/sec
    • FREQUENCY 2.27 GHz
    • POWER RECEIVED -122.79 dBm (5.26 x 10-19 kW)


    • DATA RATE 28.00 Mb/sec
    • FREQUENCY 25.90 GHz
    • POWER RECEIVED -91.39 dBm (7.26 x 10-16 kW)


    • DATA RATE 28.00 Mb/sec
    • FREQUENCY 25.90 GHz
    • POWER RECEIVED  -95.70 dBm (2.69 x 10-16 kW)

    You are completely right of course, my error for not reading the screen more thoroughly.  I must say the 28Mb/ps seems a more reasonable rate and x2 as well.

    Time for some reading on this, interesting!




    • Like 1
  2. I was looking at the data transfer rates for planet earth's array of space junk (joke) and was surprised at the differences in speed of the data transfers currently running.

    DSN Now (nasa.gov)

    For example the Chandra was showing a DL data rate at 1.2Mbps, quite fast when you think about it although surprisingly the JWST is only 16 Kbps. Maybe this (JWST data rate) is simply throttled to that DL speed down to preserve bandwidth.  Also consider the old modem dial up speed usually ran at around 40-50 kbps. I am presuming this transfer rate for JWST is sufficient for the images it is taking and being it can run 24/7 without it's mum telling you she needs to use the dam phone 😅 it adds up over time to a fair lump of data. Not sure if my maths is right but around 1.3GB, still modest really.

    But remember the next time you complain about your DL speed whatever that may be,  that voyager 1 is currently DL data at a rate of 160 b/ps. (It also takes circa 21 hours to get here)

    • Like 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, Skyline said:

    Everyone complained when the EVostar 72ED was released, but the images are look really good and its become quite a popular scope to have.

    The only thing I have found with WO is guaranteed Bling and from a personal view, their accessories either over priced or you need to fiddle more to get your setup working the way you want.

    Time will tell, I can't comment on the blue bloat because I have not experienced it so far.

    I have taken images with my Celestron C80ED (about 5years ago) with FPL53 and the EVOLUX62ED both using a DSLR on different occasions, but I do not see any or much difference at all, happy to upload images if that helps?

    My personal thought is images need to be unprocessed if possible otherwise their value is somewhat debateable however you could upload processed images for other thread viewers should you wish.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, badhex said:

    Obviously @bomberbaz needs to buy both scopes and do a side-by-side comparison to answer this burning question. 


    See? I *am* a bad influence 😂

    If I could convince FLO to do so on a sale or return basis I might well do so 😉

    There are some good points raised and in particular one does make me wonder is SW's inability to state the glass type.

    I am going to do a paper based side by side checking stats, product details, comments basically anything I can pull up about the OTA's regarding both to see if I can break my impasse on decision. 

    • Like 2
  5. 14 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    No SW is not telling what glass type but I’m finding no obvious CA yet unlike the Evostar doublet where there is a little bit.

    Review here in cloudynights: Skywatcher Evolux 82ED finally in stock in Europe - Refractors - Cloudy Nights

    Some of the comments don't quite ring true to me. They seem quite at odds to other information which is corroborated and are also totally at odds with your previous comment. 


  6. 1 hour ago, johninderby said:


    Good report John, I like it's look, design and features. One big thing which is only a small thing is the two shoes part. One for a guide scope and one for the AAplus.

    I note the WW ZS61 has FPL53 glass and the FF glass is unstated. The Evolux has, when used with the FF 2 ED glass elements in the light path but it is unstated. Do you have any idea what the glass type is?

  7. On 02/06/2022 at 18:41, AstroNebulee said:

    If all your stars are pointing outwards from the center your camera is to close to the FF if the stars are going around the centre of your image then it's to close, see attached image. 

    I still have a very slight tilt issue but I think if I add 0.2mm more shim to the imaging train bringing it to 64mm it'll be better, but like I say I'm being really picky now. 

    For my set up I use a 2 inch zwo filter drawer as I have a 2 inch astronomik L3 filter 👍

    Good luck in the loft finding the FF guide, let us know how you get on. 




    think my sensor is to close and needs a spacer, but not sure by how much. Any rough idea to start with Lee

    220616003033.thumb.jpg.0a9c00e121379121c20a27e4e1b87101.jpg Well focused

    220616003119.thumb.jpg.522cc1927e58310485d016bf13a3cf92.jpg Deffo pointing inwards

  8. Hello all. I received my OTA back today from RVO, turns out collimation had been knocked out, most likely during delivery.

    Anyway, conditions are awful tonight (full moon) but I will swing the scope onto a bright open cluster (ngc6633 looks good) that is in right sky position to test it for the coma aberration.

    Not going to be a late night, already had a long day.

    • Like 4
  9. 19 minutes ago, Mike Q said:

    I would think hard about saving up some money and going with a variable eyepiece.  There are numerous 8mm to 24mm eyepeices out there at different price points.  It is definitely worth a thought

    I did think about this, OVL do a 27-9 zoom which would go very well with the barlow too

  10. If you scope is the 1200 focal length version then the 5mm (x240) may be pushing it too far in the conditions would have to be very good to be able to offer you decent views. You say you have a 2x barlow so assuming it is a decent one you can make good use of both this and a new eyepiece.

    Here is my idea to help you make the best of a sub £100 spend. A 15mm will give you a native x80 which is a great middle of the range power and also a barlow'd x160. 160 is a very good power for your scope as it will offer good planetary views/magnification and at the same time is more forgiving when conditions are not quite as good as you might hope for.

    Also your barlow will take the stock 25mm to 12.5mm /x 96 which is also a good and useable middle range eyepiece.

    Personally the stock 10mm is not brilliant and I would look to replace this when possible. A 12mm BST (yes I realise this overlaps the 25mm barlowed) would give native x100 but a barlowed x200.

    Between the three eyepiece above (25,15 & 12) you would hit low power (25=x48) and middle + high power (15 = 80/B160) and (12=100/B200)

    One could argue the above idea has gaps but astronomers are always looking for gaps in their eyepiece collection so they can buy another 🤣

    It is always a personal thing and others will have their own choices but in absence of a budget this is my idea to cover your bases for under a £100.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

    My 40cm M12 bolt arrived today. So hopefully I can balance my scope a lot better now and remove the extra DIY counterweight. The extra 10cm length will hopefully allow this, then move the 2 star adventurer weights down a bit more. Photo of on the setup to follow. 


    where'd you get that from Lee please?, would be better than my current arrangement!


    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

    Hi Steve 

    Your new WO guidescope sounds brilliant and will definitely see good results with that fine offering. Hopefully they do find that your horizon 60ed has a collimation issue but like you say best to check out other options available to you anyway. The skywatcher evolux 62ed and dedicated flat reducer could be an option around the same price as the horizon 62ed. I'm hearing good things with these scopes. Or for a tad more the the WO zenithstar 61 and dedicated FF. 

    I agree sometimes to leave well alone when updating firmware. If it ain't broke don't try to fix it rings well. 

    Let me know how you get on with your testing over the weekend 👍



    This looks a nice option should I require another one. Anyways, lets not jump the gun and wait til they test the returned OTA, good shout though.

    • Like 1
  13. cheers Lee for the heads up.  

    My own update is as follows, switched the AE mini finder for a WOptics uniguide. There was a collimation issue with the astro essentials one, the uniguide feels like it is a different ball game altogether.

    I have also return the horizon 60ed with the comet shaped stars, they are going to look at it and we shall take it from there. However if they cannot find anything wrong with it, I may think about not having it back and seeing what other options are available. 

    I have stuck all the old ota (evoguide) and new uniguide onto the AZGti and aim to do some more testing over the weekend, reason to check both tracking and star shapes.  If things are well sometimes its best to leave well alone.

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