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Posts posted by MAN or ASTROMAN

  1. When I was a teenager I had the 'Constellations' book by Antonin Becvar (I managed to get a  replacement used copy in perfect condition a couple of years ago),and I can remember always wanting a copy of the 'Atlas Coeli'.

    Of course this was way before the internet,so books had to be ordered from a bookshop then.

    Somehow,I doubt that my local bookshop could have sourced such a treasure in the 1970's!

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  2. Re books- Burnham's celestial handbooks volumes 1-3 have extensive lists of double stars with co-ordinates.An extraordinary body of work for one man.These books may be dated now,in some respects,but I think that they contain a tremendous amount of still useful information that you just don't get from any other source,presented in an idiosyncratic style. A true  testament to Burnham's work.Easily found ,used, at very reasonable prices.

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  3. I currently own Prinz (Dixons) 10 x 50s- about 40 years old(!),replaced by Olympus DPS1's.Also, Celestron 15x70's, an Optus 20-60 x 60 spotter scope,via Aldi,as recently discussed on this forum,and a Helios branded 8 x30 monocular.This last instrument is stamped 'made in the USSR'. Still crave those Helios Apollo 15 x 70's though!

  4. Good on you Damo! Those Helios are on my 'must have' list to replace my current Celestron 15x70's- when I have the 'spare' cash. I get the impression that the contrast is much better with the Helios (along with just about every other performance measure- Lol!). Thanks for the review,and also the pic of the monopod/ballhead set up,which we have Steve to thank for pointing both of us to! I'd recommend that set up to any would be bino Astronomer.

  5. Very,very sad news-like losing a relative or a very old friend. Somewhere,I have a postcard, from c 1974,from Sir Patrick welcoming me to the B.A.A., with the words "May we meet ere long." Sadly,this was not to be. An astronomical guru. Don't under-estimate his great sense of humour.I have his book 'Can you speak Venusian?' A very funny ,book about alternative beliefs (flat earth society,Aetherius,etc) that never ridicules or belittles these alternative thinkers.I doubt that it's still in print.Going to order the autobiography now.

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