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Posts posted by Ganymede12

  1. I tried blowing some of it off with a little hand pump thingy I have (not sure what it’s called). Everything in the photo is stuck on. 

    I just took it outside and it was *just* about able to make out the Leo Trio and maybe also the pinwheel galaxy (though I’m not sure if my brain was just seeing what it wanted to with the latter).

    If it needs cleaning, how best to go about it? 



  2. So I just got out my telescope for the first time in a good few months and after coming back inside I’ve found my mirror to be looking rather dusty. 

    I didnt check the mirror beforehand, so I don’t know if this happened when I brought it back in just now or if this dust accumulated while I was in Uni. 

    I’m trying to fight the urge to remove the mirror and wipe it clean but I know that could scratch it and mike things words. 

    Does this mirror look too dusty to you guys? Should I just leave it as is? 


    (The telescope is a Skyliner-200p dob). 


  3. When the table says "% Sky Obscured" does this mean the % of the sky that is completely blocked or the % of cloud-occupied sky which may or may not interrupt viewing depending on the type of cloud? 

    For example, as I type it is telling me that 49% of the sky should be obscured by clouds but when I look outside the sky looks (uncharacteristically) clear. So are the clouds covering the 49% of sky just too feint for me to notice? 

  4. My greatest pleasure is hunting for faint fuzzies. The other night I took out the 60 mm fieldscope as a grab and go and found I could see galaxies after all; not just M31, 81 & 82 which I knew about, but M65, 66, NGC3628, M84, 86, 87, 51 and NGC5195, so I was wrong about that.

    Nothing is more rewarding than seeing a galaxy come into the filed of view and knowing what you're looking at.

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  5. Looking up the night sky on the few clear nights and wishing I could make sense of the night sky. I think I was about 8 or 9.

    Then when Doctor Who returned in 2005 I became interested in Science Fiction which eventually led on to an interest in astronomy. I watched loads of documentaries on space and just last year I bought my first telescope. a Sky-Watcher Mercury 707.

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