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Steve Ward

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Posts posted by Steve Ward

  1. Sleeping outside in a hammock in the summertime under beautiful dark Suffolk skies aged about six , spent more time wondering about those little lights than sleeping . . . :p

    Being dragged out of bed on 21st July 1969 to watch the first steps of Neil Armstrong . . . :shocked:

    Seeing a picture of the "Horsehead Nebula" 40 years ago and thinking " I want to do that " . . . . and waited 40 years to do it . . . :rolleyes:

  2. Nice one James.

    Still can't get on with V6 myself , will try again later.

    My other comment would be to drop the ISO down to 200 to lose a lot of noisiness from the subs , would mean shutter speed around 1/250 - 1/400 depending on the phase but in all but the worst seeing ( when you wouldn't be shooting anyway) you'll still catch plenty of clean frames.

    I find a high ISO (400 +) ends up with the noise being sharpened and a very coarse , grainy appearance in the result , Lunar or Solar.

    It would also give you darker underexposed subs , If your input frames are overexposed there's nothing you can do to bring back the blown areas whereas you can always retrieve data from a darker unsaturated shot ,

    I don't let mine get any brighter than this , where the lit up tips just get white .


  3. The small drawback of having to wait a while for the motor to move the focuser large amounts is , I feel , more than outweighed by the vibration free focusing that it provides.

    I have them on all my scopes , bar the ETX , and won't be removing them anytime soon , in fact I shall be getting another one soon for the Mak180 that's imminent.

    The fact that they can be controlled via various USB gadgets is another plus , I use a controller on mine ( Homebrew) and the finesse of focus is a real benefit imaging wise.

  4. I think a lot depends on how and where you purchase kit , and the 'research' you put in to start with.

    If you find a retailer with honest , helpful staff that are willing to spend some time with you explaining things in a realistic fashion , you are much more likely to come away with a realistic idea of what you'll see.

    A blind purchase on-line with no research is more than likely going to end in frustration.

    The amount of posts here and elsewhere relating to the most basic things , pointing north , can't see anything , why is Saturn so small , etc seem to reflect this in my eyes.

    I spent a lot of time deciding what I needed , so I thought , but after an initial visit to my local retailer and a 3 hour 'consultation' I came away with a much better understanding of what to expect from a variety of kit.

    In the end ( not that there is ever an end to this game) I ended up with a set-up that ( i ) I am more than happy with , ( ii ) lets me do what I wanted to do , ( iii ) I can handle , use , collimate etc , all because of a very knowledgeable , helpful , patient , retail team.

    A team I might add that put up with me on a regular basis , dealing with the ongoing trials and tribulations of a 'Newbie' , who still comes up against snags that need ironing out .

    Don't try getting into this blind is my advice to anyone thinking of getting into astronomy , get some advice and avoid disappointment.


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  5. Half-round bricks readily available at most builders merchants ,

    Glad I wasn't the only one to spot the dodgy door , these things do tend to jump out to some of us . . . ;-)

    Glad I'm not the only Gate-maker here too...........

    My latest.............. :grin:





    Just wish I had room for a pier or observatory myself.

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