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Nadeem Shah

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Posts posted by Nadeem Shah

  1. Have noticed now on ALTAIR ASTRO site for this telescope have added

    - We classify this telescope as a "Semi-APO" and it significantly outperforms an achromat refractor of equivalent focal length at an incredible price. With a Contrast Booster filter to remove residual chromatic aberration, it will compare to an APO costing several times the price on the moon and planets.

    Pitty this wasnt clear at the time of purchasing or I would have gone for a WO or a triplet. That now explains the BLUE fringing a bit more. Not good for bright starfields or objects. A bit late now as I would have returned it if I would have known sooner.

    Looks like I will have to spend more now buying additional filters to try and reduce this problem.

    It does perform well otherwise and will be posting some more images soon.

    Shocking ! too say the least, If I had purchased that scope It would have been sent it back purely that it was not advertised as a 'Semi APO' when bought... talk about playing fast & loose with the words :)

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