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Blog Comments posted by Mike73

  1. Blimey Shaun thats nuts!!!!

    I think the hatred towards cyclist mainly happens in towns and cities (at least from my experience anyway), I've kinda got used to the odd close pass while cycling in the country but that only seems to happen once or twice during each ride. I just try to avoid cycling during the busy parts of the day and pick my route well.


    Cant believe the police didn't even get back to you after having a gun pulled on you!! You'd think that in these times any mention of a gun and the police would be there in a shot.


    Despite even a couple days ago mentioning that my astronomy is on hold, after this recent run of cloudless nights I've pulled the trigger on a new scope and cant wait to get back under the stars again! Happy days. :)

  2. Yep Strava premium is good, something else I've just started is using https://www.trainerroad.comwhich will help when the weather gets bad again and you cant get out on your bike.


    Yeah hilly as hell down here but you get used to it and I actually quite enjoy the hills these days.

    Sportives down this way usually have around 10000ft of elevation for the 100 miles! Think I'II do the Dartmoor Challenge and Plym Gran Fondo again. The Plymouth Gran Fondo was a killer this year, I had a really bad nights sleep the night before and struggled all the way around.

    I think thats the biggest problem with trying to mix astronomy with cycling, they just don't mix. Trying to train when your tired is pretty pointless, if you don't train for these events you just make it very hard for yourself but on the other hand you don't want to miss out on clear nights for observing! Astronomy is on hold for me at the moment, I do miss it though!!


    Na I haven't registered on any cycling forums either the the reasons you said.

  3. I wondered if it was you when I saw your username on RCUK. :)


    Yeah cycling is pretty good isn't it? 

    I've been on a similar path as you, packing up smoking and then realising just how unfit I'd become and set about changing that by riding my bike.


    It just takes time but I've found that the whole fitness progression thing happens pretty quick (or it has done so far).


    How do you find the Edge 1000? I have a 510 at the moment but could do with some kinda mapping just to do some new routes.


    I'm on Strava as Mike Meal

  4. Interesting comment about the mirror Mike. That is a comparison I would like to do too, but add my diy mirror into the mix as well. See how it holds up against a top end and stock SW mirror.

    Sorry Alan I completely forgot your 14", I also didn't know that you made your mirror yourself!

    Yep will be very interesting, I've never compared a Ultra high grade mirror next to a standard one of the same size. My OOUK is 1/10th pv and compared to my 16" which is 1/6th the OO looks very clean and sharp all the way to the field stop but the OO is f/6.3 so thats not really a fair comparison.



    I took the Nexus for a spin last night, really mushy horrible sky conditions but the Nexus performed flawlessly. Keeping my Leica zoomed in giving me x205 it got all the objects in the FoV every time, pretty good going I thought!

  5. I'm not that brave Alan! I'II stick to boring black. :)


    Rich thats Nexus in the pics, not much to it but a couple of encoder arms and a black box. I like it though, its nice and simple but easy to set up and brake down. 

    The Feather Touch means I can put my Moonlite on my OOUK. Ever since I've been using the OO (which is f/6.3) I can see coma a lot more in the f/4.5 so getting the Feather Touch + SIPS kills two birds with one stone.



    Already been thinking about next summers upgrade...

    I'm gonna compare Faulksy's 14" 1/10Pv next to Dan's SW 14" at Elan valley, if there is a real difference I may save for a new 16" mirror from John Nichol if not I'II just get my current mirror HiLux coated.

    But thats next year, I gotta pay this lot of first! :)

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  6. Ay, absolutely amazing art-work here, Mike. It's an inspiration to everyone. Maybe, if ever you could be bothered, a little thread on art class basics would be lovely. Something to help us aspiring novices reach mid-way this kind of standard you're setting.

    I'm really glad the 4" achro is living up to its duties and I reckon it will truly serve you well. Seems to make a great combo; big dob, little frac.

    Thanks Rob and its great having the encouragement from you guys but I've been learning to sketch almost by trial and error and I wouldnt like to pass on any of my bad habits or mistakes, maybe one day when I'm more confident in my drawings...

    I'd love to see more people sketch though, it looks harder than it actually is and I think that puts people off.

    I'm really shocked just how good the views of the moon have been from such a small aperture frac! Happy days! :)

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