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Posts posted by kiffy

  1. i'm not here to cause a debate or dis any supplier so ill give the facts...

    i know im fairly new top the scene and have found issues with one supplier in the past so wont use them again but i had used first light optics several times and found them great, they even through their messaging system helped me decide on my scope

    when i recieved my scope the on/off knob on the finder wasnt right but it still worked so i didnt mention it.. but it eventually died on me on the 10th of this month so i contacted flo to ask if i could get a new switch (id be happy to fit it myself), steve at flo answered my message straight away and said they would replace the whole finder scope but it would take about four days. happy with that i waited...

    last weekend (23rd) i ordered a few bits from flo, and emailed them to say dont send them yet wait till you get the new finder as itll save you paying double postage. i als said that due to the scope being hard to use without the finder and with the forcast for a good week i'd be prepared to buy a new finder scope if they would look at doing me a deal and knocking a bit off... persoanlly i thought i couldnt be any fairer.. i had been waiting 13 days when i expected around 4.. and yes i know theres supply issues with the scopes themselves which is why i waited patiently

    so now on 30th a week later and almost three weeks after they said they would send a replacment im still stuck here... a week into gorgeous weather with a scope thats of little use as i cant align it to use the goto... and with them not having replied to my message.. after a week ;)

    i just know by the time i get a new finder the clouds will have rolled back in :)

  2. Rather than pluck the foam pieces out I slid a metal ruler down around the shape I wanted this separates them nicely and keeps the block intact, you can then shorten the hight of the block and place it back in the hole to keep your items all at a nice height.

    i did almost the same, i even used a maplin case... my difference was i used one of those knives you can snap the blade of in segments. i push the blade all the way out and it was long enough to slice the foam all the way through. i even managed to shape it around my skywatcher torch

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