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sam mayo

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Posts posted by sam mayo

  1. i have been ordering items like mad before a star party in a week or so and i placed an order with flo which turns out i dont need the items with my scope,i sent an email at 11 oclock expecting to wait till the next day low and behold i was sent a reply within mins couldnt believe it i cant exspress ho much stress and money they have saved me they will always be my 1st port of call for all products astro related.thanks flo


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  2. hey all was told i could join the sw group im from chepstow/gloucester depending.just purchased my first scope a ssw 250px and would love to be able to stargaze will knowledgeable people in a nice place that's actually dark.

    would love to come to a meet if no 1 minds, thanks sam:)

  3. since i have used this site for a few weeks now and purchased my scope from recommendations from it to couldn't be happier im not sure if there is already but a list of things to see would be great like what time planets were and how to find them,as i am a newbi this might be here or not worthwhile,keep up the good work no other hobby/passion/addiction (lol) could you get this much help and info so quickly and friendly thanks sam.

  4. i was wondering if every 1 on here has had something slipped into there tea because i haven't meet a more friendly helpful group of people in all walks of life ,no 1 is or has been judgemental or patronising even when i ask the most ridiculously stupid question over and over due 2 not understanding it even though it cant be put simpler lol, i have my 1st meet with astronomy club soon but besides that its been a lonly passion but now i look forward 2 comming home to learn and look at the wonders this hobby /people bring.so many thanks the admin flo and the general astronomer for putting up and teaching me 50 out of ten is what i score u.

    the only problem i have is b4 i found this site i knew what scope etc. i wanted know i am utterly confused (im bad at decision making at the best of times) due to all the infomation i cant process lol many thanks again for a superb job keep it up!!!

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