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Everything posted by NickH

  1. First Light Optics/Modern Astronomy/Ian King and Telescope House I just wanted to say that in the years I have been purchasing equipment from UK suppliers, and this is a personal opinion based on my own private purchases...that all of the above, along with a few more such as Venturescope and SCS, but regularly those listed above, have delivered excellent help/support/advice and prices. They are a credit to the industry, and should be heartily supported where possible
  2. Seems like an age since I got out, but finally got a chance to do some imaging this year. Have the 190MN for a while (nice scope) and managed to get some Venus data in CaK, IR Pass and white light, which I will process over the next few days. Remarkable optics on the scope it has to be said, but the lack of a dew shield put paid to any deep sky last night, shame as it was quite good/clear, but some thin mist still.. It's got me spurred on though to gert out a lot more this year, and the micro ASUS did me proud on Venus data capture, no issues at all with Lucam recorder or Registax on it, all ticking by at between 33 and 8 frames a second (8 for Cak as it's very dim), working at around F28 on the 190MN.
  3. Spent most of today writing review copy and looking at some new kit. Picked up a lot of projects at Astrofest, and our club now owns some shiny new kit which I will be trying out and testing for the observatory in Spain. Best bit of kit is the LHires III, which I am hoping to image the Sun in Mg and Fe with soon. The little ASUS laptop just got a big memory stick for China (64GB SDHC card) for storage of the video data (all being well) GPUSB has arrived (*note to Uk suppliers....4 days...door to door from the USA!), need to pick it up from the post office tomorrow morning, and I finally got round to entering some shots in the Photo of the Year compy that S@N are running.
  4. NickH

    Nick Howes - Astro Album

    A place for all my Solar/Lunar/Planetary/Deep Sky and gear pics
  5. Well here's the first test of the blogging option in SGL. Not much to report. UP to my eyeballs in work with mags and review stuff, along with project in Spain...just ordered a new GPUSB from the USA for £56 inc delivery, which is £30 less than I could get it here in the UK...c'est las vie.. (and that's with the USD being total pants right now....) More soon...I hope, if I get time
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