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  1. I would probably start at 2 seconds with the lens wide open
  2. Well done pixies. I like make every photon count although this is probably more advanced than paul is looking for
  3. I will definitely need to do some a levels. Maybe maths physics and something else. I have been to university before to do music but I got in from a music gnvq so that course and it’s associated ucas points are not going to help me. Would I need an A level in English to help with the coursework perhaps? I didn’t get good grades in English at school as I didn’t find Shakespeare interesting at the time! I feel I may need to talk to some lecturers at a few different universities on the relevant subjects to get more ideas on the work involved and possible entry requirements.
  4. Been thinking a lot about science related things recently. Does anybody on here work in the field of science/physics? Or maybe as a university lecturer? I’m currently working in a hotel mainly as a receptionist but also doing the finances and thinking do I want to do this for the next 30-40 years? Not sure exactly of the path I want to take but thought it might be a good start to retake my basic GCSEs and try and get onto a degree level course via some A levels.
  5. I shall be in eastern Oregon. Should be able to put some awesome entries in before the deadline. No computer to help me though. Can never practice my 2 minute routine enough!
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