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Everything posted by Andy274

  1. Update - ive ordered the ZWO 530 - got looked after by Grant from FLO. Cheers Andy
  2. Another twist on the cmos debate So - I've got a combination of an altair 110 starwave that I run my atik 383L mono on. I. Also have a 72mm WO that I run my 450D on concurrently to feed both beasts of colour & NB. I'm considering chopping in my 450D (decided to keep the 383L) but what to get instead. Ive been led to the altair 183 Pro tek vs zwo 183 (same chip) which is matched to the 72mm,but the fov is tiny compared to the 450D - yet the 294 of both flavours would over - sample my images? 2 questions 1.Should focus on getting the bigger fov to match the 450D or go for the 183 to match the scope? 2.which should I buy to replace the 450D? Cheers Andy
  3. Hi guys, i have an Atik 383L+ mono with a 7nm Baader Ha & 8.5nm OIII filters they attach to either a 72mm WO apo or a 110mm starwave apo Im considering chopping them in for the Altair 294 OSC with the tri-band filter (due to moderately LP'd skies - bortle 6 according to the clear skies app) I normally image nebulae, but am looking to start capturing some galaxies - will the switch from the mono CCD & separate filters to the OSC with a combined filter work, or am i wasting my time? I dont want to degrade any of my images or increase the capture time needed. Its the older CCD vs newer CMOS debate & i apologise for that but im utterly lost as to whats best. Cheers Andy
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