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Everything posted by Groovyson

  1. Groovyson

    Veil Nebula 16-9

    From the album: My journey

    Captured with the following, HEQ5 with rowan belt mode and hypertuned Askar 103 Askar 52mm guide scope Canon R50 Mirrorless 800 iso x 5min
  2. Groovyson

    My journey

    Creating somewhat of an astronomy journal, track my progress over the coming years.
  3. From the album: My journey

    Captured with the following, HEQ5 with rowan belt mode and hypertuned Askar 103 Askar 52mm guide scope Canon R50 Mirrorless 800 iso x 5min This was the first DSO that I took with the askar 103.
  4. Groovyson

    Moon 16-9

    From the album: My journey

    Was packing away and saw the moon over in the corner so just caught a quick snap. Captured with the following, HEQ5 with rowan belt mode and hypertuned Skywatcher 200p Canon R50 Mirrorless Single image and manually moved the mount.
  5. From the album: My journey

    Captured with the following, HEQ5 with rowan belt mode and hypertuned Askar 103 Askar 52mm guide scope Canon R50 Mirrorless 800 iso x 5min Didn't get great shots on this night, full moon and neighbours had their garden lights on and scope was facing a rather bright street lamp.....
  6. From the album: My journey

    Only picture captured so far on my skywatcher 200p, switched over to askar 103. Need to get the tilt done and mirrors properly collimated.
  7. Groovyson

    Andromeda 16-9

    From the album: My journey

    Captured with the following, HEQ5 with rowan belt mode and hypertuned Askar 103 Askar 52mm guide scope Canon R50 Mirrorless 1600 iso x 5min x 50 images
  8. I went with the Askar 103 and 0.8 reducer and was very happy with the first night out. Lack of experience led me to get a 200p with EQ5 mount which sat unused in the shed for the last year, just decided to ditch it all and get the askar and heq5 (used) and was really happy with my first shot. I'm just starting out so this is just my personal experience.
  9. It's not my first but rather second, first one wasn't great, just starting out and wasn't a great night to be out. Object: NGC7000 Date: 14/07/2024 Equipment: Canon R50 (stock), OVL light pollution filter, Askar 103, Askar 52mm guide scope, HEQ5 tuned and rowan belt mod. Exposures: 20 x 6 min subs at 800 ISO Software: Stacked with DSS and processed using Photoshop with RC Astro trial plugins. Sky: Bortle 5 (heading towards bortle 6 with all the new builds....) Scope arrived the day before I took this shot, FLO where legends getting that sorted so quickly!
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