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Everything posted by Gary_V

  1. Rupes Recta was the anchor target in this field of view. Captured June 29 at 5:09am ET during the 44% waning crescent. Rima Birt and it's namesake crater to the west of Rupes Recta, and the outline of the crater rim of Thebit on the eastern side right along the terminator. A fair amount of wrinkle ridges stand out in the very low angle of illumination. Celestron CPC Deluxe 1100 Edge HD, Altair IMX174 Hypercam, X-Cel 2.0 Barlow, Red Channel filter.
  2. Clavius, Blancanus and Scheiner were the targets of interest in this field of view. Captured June 29 at 5:23am during the 44% waning crescent. Celestron CPC Deluxe 1100 Edge HD, Altair IMX174 Hypercam, X-Cel 2.0 Barlow, Green channel filter.
  3. Riccioli, seen in the center foreground, is just under 92 miles in diameter. Schlüter is the dark crater towards the left and just this side of the terminator. It is slightly over 55 miles in diameter. Notice the tip of the central peek catching the first tendrills of lunar dawn. Captured June 21 at 12:48 a.m. during the 99.2% waxing phase. Not very favorable seeing conditions for this amount of magnification/focal length. Celestron C11 Edge HD, TeleVue Powermate 2.5, Player One Mars-M II camera, IR-850nm filter
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