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Pat Curran

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Everything posted by Pat Curran

  1. Hi All, New to imaging, so I'm wondering if I might start a project to give myself some practice using the Comet Hunter and ZWO 533MM combo. This book, 'Annals of the Deep Sky' has given me an idea...why not image all the objects of all types within a constellation boundary. 🤔 The 731mm focal length of the Comet Hunter should yield a good compromise AoV when paired with the 533MM. Anyone done this before? I don't have NINA in front of me, but AFAIR, you can search for multiple objects within a constellation, but am unsure if you can search for individual stars. Regards, Pat
  2. I think this might just be the one good use of the mount's Wifi...its very weak and I had constant drops in connection from just 20ft away. All I need to ask of it now is to connect to the Slate Plus router in the upper plastic container on the telephone pole pier above...a mere foot or so. The Slate Plus is hard wired under ground back to the shed PC via ethernet cable. Pat
  3. Thanks Stuart, Do you have the 'G' variant with the WiFi? I have seen somebody on CN modifying the G Mount's default WiFi mode so the control PC in the shed (in my case) can control the mount via the mini PC without that last cable being used at all. That's the route I want to explore firstly...if it fails, I'll go with your method. Thanks again, Pat
  4. The orange Lynx cable no longer hangs!😁 Now I just have to get rid of the one last cable...the USB 3.0 carrying comms between the mini PC and the mount... I think there is a YouTube video on that too! Regards, Pat
  5. Hi All, I copied the wiring mod shown by Locutus720 in his YouTube video here: I use only Losmandy plates, so no problem getting the cable out the top. The problem with the CEM70 for me is the two power outs (5A on front and 3A on rear of the saddle) just cannot provide the potential 12A draw of the Pegasus Astro PowerBox Advance. My copied mod...
  6. Thanks Keith, I appreciate your reply. I've seen the 183MC used as an All Sky camera, a much bigger sensor, but the same 2.4um pixel as the 178MM. However, it's impossible to judge the extent of definition lost on YouTube videos. Pat
  7. I am considering moving from the 178MM to the new 686MC recently released by ZWO for my All Sky setup. The difference in pixel size is 2um smaller for the new cam but a drop from 14bit to 12bit. Given no change in lens, can I expect an improvement in definition despite the move from mono to colour? Thanks, Pat
  8. Hi All, New to SGL, so I hope this is the correct spot to open a thread on All Sky images. This was captured Monday morning. Haven't seen a meteor with such a narrow train and sudden outburst before. I'm in SE Ireland; anyone else capture this from a different location or can add more intel? Thanks, Pat
  9. Hi Chuleton08, New here myself, but I plan on posting my beginners imaging queries on: Home 》Beginners 》Getting Started with Imaging. Hope I'm pointing you correctly. Pat
  10. ...all equipment by FLO btw,...except the telephone pole! Pat
  11. Thanks Guys, The pole is pressure treated cresol which will probably outlast me! 😑 Some more images...
  12. Hi All, Just joined and hope to advance my limited knowledge of astrophotography here. Located in County Kilkenny, I use a ES Comet Hunter on a CEM70G with a ZWO 533MM attached. The mount is sited on a permanent pier (section of ex telephone pole) See attached. Regards, Pat
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