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Pat Curran

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Everything posted by Pat Curran

  1. Just for info, I keep the Comet Hunter in the Observatory Shed while not in use on the red test bed, where I can update software (eg 'Orbitals' NINA plugin) via the internet connected WiFi - there is no internet when the Mini-PC /telescope is out on the CEM70G. Regards, Pat
  2. Thanks Albir phil, There are so many variables which might be impacting on quality that I just need to get a grip on one at a time and deal with that issue before moving on to another. ...speaking of which...does anyone know why my PHD2 Log Files are showing created but no data (1Kb)? I have set the save location in the Advanced 'brain' settings. Thanks, Pat
  3. Hi 900SL, I'm located here in SE Ireland under a Bortal 4 sky with local town 5 Kms to my south. I haven't adjusted collimation as I have heard Mak-Newts can be troublesome to perform collimation on. You are correct in thinking the focuser barrel does extend into the Comet Hunter tube - not sure if its intruding into the light path however. ...and while I'm confessing, I might as well state I paid no attention to back focus measurement; just set the focuser half way in and then added spacers (including an Antila OAG/Filter drawer combo AND another ZWO filter drawer! How critical is back focus on a Mak-Newt? Thanks 900SL, Pat
  4. Thanks Norris, I wanted to post the PHD2 log with it, but can't seem to find it! Seen some weird (to me) movements on the DEC axis graph which may account for the poor star shapes. I also have some serious doughnut dust motes in the train - next step is learning to do flat calibration. Pat
  5. Hi All, I managed 60 x 2 minute subs on M81 this morning between 00:55am and 02:10am using the Comet Hunter / ASI 533MM rig. No filters and no calibration files - just trying to get used to NINA and the remote operation of the rig. Camera was cooled to -10°C Processed in Deep Sky Stacker, GraXpert, Siril and Affinity Photo 2 Feedback welcomed and appreciated. Thanks, Pat
  6. Hi List, I have been fishing for lunar occultation prediction software for some time now. The small number of packages out there seem somewhat complex to use, requiring quite a bit of setup before getting any predictions generated. Then I found 'GRAZPREP' by Dr. Eberhard Riedel of the International Occultation Timing Association's European Section (IOTA/ES). It's easy to setup and produces very accurate grazing occultations, with full occultations to come in a new release which Eberhard tells me is almost ready. The output is slick with excellent graphics too. The software is free but you need to email Eberhard for an install password. Details, including Eberhard's email address is on the page linked to above. Does anyone already use this software for either observing or imaging? Regards, Pat
  7. Thanks to All for valuable feedback. ONIKKINEN, I Will certainly make that change to naming convention in NINA to include HFR values Appreciated. Pat
  8. ...should I be comparing the HFR figures in PHD2?
  9. Hi List, Here in Ireland the clarity of the night sky varies enormously from night to night, but can anyone tell me how to quantify the level of 'seeing' from one night to another? Is it possible to score it using definitive feedback from software such as NINA? Thanks, Pat
  10. Nice work Malcolm. Is the bottom screenshot Stellarium? Pat
  11. Thanks for the feedback Elp. Actually finding the Comet is down to the author of the 'Orbitals' plugin in NINA, not me. 😉 I used Affinity Photo 2 to both stack and process the image, so I need to put in a bit more time on the learning curve! I should probably get on the PixInsight learning curve too. Appreciate your time Elp. Pat
  12. ...I am very open to criticism! 😮‍💨
  13. OK, L1 it is so. Here is my first attempt at Comet C2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). Comet Hunter (731mm FL @ f4.8) + ZWO 533MM: 26x 60sec subs with no calibration frames taken. Sensor cooled to -10C. Date 10th May 2024 The field is 53' 11'' square (0.89 x 0.89 Degrees)
  14. The FLO description of the Astronomil L1 UV+IR Blocling Luminance Filter reads in part: "L1, L2 or L3? If you use an optical system that is completely free of any chromatic aberration you should get an L1 filter for your setup." If I am correct in thinking the Comet Hunter, being a Mak-Newt design, it has little or no chromatic aberration... then therefore the L1 variant is best suited to my setup? ...or is there any real improvement to be had in using the L1 variant over the L2? Thanks, Pat
  15. Success! I am now cable free. Finally got to talk to the CEM70G from the shed PC (via ethernet underground) via the Slate Plus on the pier, via wifi to the Mini PC atop the Comet Hunter, via the CEM70G's own Wifi set from Access Point (AP) mode to Station (STE). I connected and disconnected a few times to make sure the Slate Plus wasn't assigning a different IP address each time...it appears to be talking to the mount via the same address each time.
  16. Thanks again Elp, What luminence filter would you recommend in order to end up with the best possible black and white image of a comet from a bortal 4 sky? Pat
  17. Thanks again Elp, I have tried imaging C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) whenever the weather was good recently, but whilst I am in a bortal 4, the local town lies 4 miles to the south and has significant LP affecting any imaging in that part of the sky. To date, I have no filters in use so a luminence/LP filter is my next FLO order. Do you see anything wrong with the Baader for a mono only imaging run on the Comet? Link again... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/narrowband/baader-uhc-l-ultra-l-booster-filter.html Thanks, Pat
  18. Thanks Elp, Will certainly keep your comments in mind. What's attracting me to the Baader filter is that in addition to it providing luminance, it also passes the two C2 lines to improve contrast of some comet tails. BTW, am I correct in thinking any luminence/LP filter cannot do anything to hold back glow from moonlight? Thanks, Pat
  19. This is the thread on CN by user bemo47 about getting the CEM70G Wifi to talk to a router, allowing a remote PC on the telescope to control the mount without the last tethered cable in my case... https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/763433-cem70g-connect-it-by-wifi-to-your-local-network/ I got as far as changing the mount's wifi mode from default AP mode to STA mode following the instructions before rain stopped play...more to do. Regards, Pat
  20. Will do. Been told to finance it by saving beer money! 🤔
  21. While waiting to see if I get approval from the boss to buy the 533MC, can anyone recommend a luminance/light pollution filter for mono only? Thinking about this one... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/narrowband/baader-uhc-l-ultra-l-booster-filter.html Thanks, Pat
  22. Think Messier Marathon confined to best place constellation during a month or so of fair weather. Not looking for APODs at all...well maybe after a while.
  23. It's just a backdrop project to get experience imaging different types of objects...and hone equipment handling skills at the same time. Not to be taken too seriousely with Irish weather to contend with...definately not going down the route of RGB filters on mono 533!
  24. Might be better to have a colour camera...Andromeda seems to have quite a few two colour double stars... Any 533MC's on sale at FLO guys😉
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