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Everything posted by astrolix

  1. Thank you for your messages ! I've read your advises @adyj1, I don't know if I will succeed tho.
  2. They have their own protocol in order to communicate with the EAF
  3. I've already done that, but the asiair simply uses the EAF SDK compiled file, that's why you can't connect another focuser like a MyFocuserPro2 one or Moonlite one.
  4. Yes, but I dont have an eaf, so i have to analyze the driver file
  5. Hi everyone, I'm planning to make a replica of the original EAF from ZWO. My goal is to recreate the protocol to create a diy eaf that would work on an asiair. It you be helpful if you have some advises on how to do that. I've started to disassemble the ZWO EAF SDK compiled file. But I suck at finding more information on the device and his protocol. I've just guessed that the EAF uses XML strings to communicate and HID, but that's all… Any ideas ? Softs recommended (to analyze the SDK) ? I've seen that @powerlord has succeeded this with the EFW from ZWO, maybe he can help me by sharing me his tips ? Thank you per advice, astrolix
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