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Everything posted by Wanderers

  1. It blends nicely with my ear hair!
  2. What I object to is the fact that they want to assess my suitability over those 3 meetings. What are they assessing? Accent, school, skin colour, level of education? At 63 I'm well passed that kind of bs.
  3. I just quickly checked if I'd called it an astrology club and was very relieved to find I hadn't!
  4. Elbow patches - check Nasal hair resting on top lip - check
  5. My local society told me that if I want to attend I get 3 meetings and then the committee decide on my suitability. I'm 63 and well past that! Is that normal? If so it's easy to see how people get put off.
  6. The replies I've received haver been amazing, thank you so much. Special thanks to Elp. I've got to sort down and take it all in now. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks everyone for the welcome and advice. It's much appreciated. I'm definitely after a compromise between both branches. With the previous scope i remember the thrill of the planets and moon craters and would not want to miss out on that which i believe i would with a solely astrophotography setup?? (note the question marks 😁)
  8. Wanderers

    Saying hello

    Hi all I'm Andy. I'm 63 and live in North Wales. I've always loved the night sky and a few years ago owned a 10" orion optics newtonian. In the end I struggled to store it and sold it on. The problem now is I can't imagine viewing a smaller image! I'm still deciding what to do. Can you help? After retiring from teaching I had a wedding photography business so have some nice photography equipment which I'm planning to use for AP. Regards Andy
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