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Everything posted by fievelgp

  1. Thank you, I will give this a shot. Sorry to sound stupid, but what do you mean by subtracting the offset?
  2. I did. The only thing that passed through my lights was a plane( and maybe a meteorite ?) . I think I figured out my mistake with the flats- I used a thin white shirt( only one layer) and I didn't take them with a bright light .
  3. I tried my hand at it in Siril but I don't have a good grasp on it yet. It seemed to make things worse. I'm gonna need to watch some more guides and practice . I was able to use another editor to clean up the light pollution some, so maybe I need to try other software if I can't figure it out with Siril. As for the flats, I can but I'm pretty sure I figured out my mistake. The white shirt I used was pretty thin( I only used one layer) and I didn't use a bright white light when I took them *facepalm*
  4. Hey everyone, I'm new here. I've been lurking in these message boards for a few weeks. After a few months of watching Youtube videos and such, I decided to finally take the plunge and start my journey into astrophotography. To start off, I went with a Canon Rebel T7 with the kit lens and the 300mm lens and just a tripod and intervalometer. I wanted to start small and do wide field tuff and get decent with image processing before dumping a ton of money into things I wouldn't know how to use yet. My first night out ( I live in a Bortle 6) I used my kit lens at 18mm , 1600 ISO, 3.5 ap, and did 30 sec exposures for about 20 minutes aimed toward Orion since it seemed to be the easiest place for me to aim in my yard. I have a few questions about how the images turned out and . I'm pretty happy with my results for it being my first time. I don' t think I got the focus right , but I am happy to see the abundance of stars. With the naked eye, you can only see the brighter stars here. Both pictures were stacked and stretched in Siril. The first image was stacked with darks, flats, and biases. Why does it look so cloudy? Is it from the white shirt I used for the flats ? The 2nd image is only my stacked lights. I removed the green tint in Siril. Other than that, the only thing done in both photo's was stretching since I have no idea what I am doing with image processing yet Any tips for getting a better overall wide field image ? I welcome any and all criticisms ! Thank you!!
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