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Everything posted by Meluhanz

  1. That would be amazing if anyone can show what I can do with the images. Here you go..... Light_Stack_8.zip
  2. Whoa, that looks so nice! I haven't figured out the imaging tool yet. So far, my journey has been trying to get the mount, focal and camera back focus. My head is reeling as I see all the imaging software's folks are using for processing. It looks like an all-new skill set to acquire!
  3. The gain on ASI 183 was set to 270. Totally light polluted city backyard - Bortle class (8-9). Interesting, i read some of the threads saying - "longer exposures produce better pictures than many short exposures". So, I was attempting to get the longest exposure on the current setup. As you mentioned, I couldn't not exceed 30s in the current setup. I will attempt smaller exposures and correct the focus. Eventually when I want to have a mount that can support my Celestron 8se, but this has been a black hole for $. Thank you!
  4. Hello Friends, Thank you, this forum has been very educative and patient with me. I finally have a setup that can click decent pictures. SVBONY SV503 Telescope, 80ED F7 Telescope OTA with Focal Length 560mm SVBONY SV193 Focal Reducer 2 Inch 0.8X Field Flattener ZWO asi183mc-pro-color Star Adventurer 2i Pro Images: Light - 50 images with 30 second exposure Dark - 10 images with 30 second exposure Question : All I did with the image was stack the images with ASI deep sky staking software and did a few adjustments on the contract and brightness. Should I really explore photoshop softwares? Does it make a big difference? And please feel free to critic the image, i'm learning and all inputs are welcome! Thank you again for your time and patience!
  5. There is plenty to learn. Frankly, all the reading did not teach me what I learnt in last ~7days. Focal length, pixels, back focus, FOV, ....... My first ever amateurish picture of M43 with all mismatched tool set, I know it is far from perfect but was happy to see this come to life.
  6. I soo want to use the ASI 183 camera that i bought. The Star Adventurer Pro manual read that a max payload of 11 pounds, so my thought was it can load even my Nexstar 8SE to try it out along with the Orion StarMax 102mm. My last resort will be to use my Canon EOS 600D with my 18-55mm lens
  7. So, here is another attempted setup to get some pictures of Orion and/or Andromeda. - Orion StarMax 102mm with Celestron F/6.3 Reducer Corrector - using ZWO ASI 183MC Pro - mounted on Star Adventurer 2i Pro Open to any advice or suggestion while I wait for clear skies.
  8. This is kind of heart breaking. My amateur brain was bigger telescope, better for viewing and better for photos
  9. Thank you all for responding. Learning focal length the hard way. I got a adapter so I can connect the camera directly to the SCT, but as mentioned above, the telescope does not seem to be a great fit. The telescope view is soo zoomed in that I cannot get a good field of view for the camera. Well, before i give up on it, i've ordered a focal length reducer/corrector. My plan B is to revive the old Orion Starmax 102mm equatorial telescope and try my ASI camera with it.
  10. I have been using Celestron nexstar 8se for a little while and I enjoy viewing the planets and few constellations. I enjoyed the view that I wanted to capture them. Tried connecting my very old DSLR (Canon eos 600D), but capture very faint objects and i noticed there was focus issue, blamed it on the DSLR and bought a ASI 183MC pro (on marketPlace - impulsive shopping). Now, the videos and online forums i see that the camera is directly connected to the telescope, but this ASI did not have a connector that gets to the telescope, I could use part of the dslr's t connector to make it fit like below: First problem: Though I can see the planets/stars clearly through the lens, when I replace it with camera, it totally out of focus. In this case, the Jupiter which was clearly visible with its moons appeared like this - I did kept adjusting the focuser turning it for every pic until I got something decent Finally What am I doing wrong here? I was expecting the astro camera to capture what I see through the lense, maybe more.
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