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Posts posted by Extralien

  1. @Stu

    Thank you very much for taking the time to do that and put it in a place that's relevant..

    I would also struggle with a title so yours is all good :)

    To be fair, it does seem to be the ideal place considering the potential result of the imagery I've put forwards. And this image I have presented here is just one of many that all seem to have the same kind of "story" connected to them.. Mostly ancient Egyptian but it tends to drift off to other stuff/places.

    As an example, the "experts" believe this is a horses head (the original section does show an outline of what one could call a horse but the outline is very fine in comparison to the amount of heavy marking this "head" has. Will post it so you can see original) yet when you take a good look at it, you realize it's the upper left quarter of someones face. You can even see an iris and pupil in the eye area. Ear on the right (their left ear) temple, forehead and cheek..

    The artists disguised the eye of Ra/Horus as a horse, yet left enough detail for the obvious to stand out to those who know.

    Very clever stuff for "simple cave men".

    And, just so you get an idea as to the skill of these ancient artists, I'll post some real horses from the same cave art. Big difference.

    This singular "horse" is more of an entrance marker, real Indiana Jones type stuff...

    eye horus pupil.jpg

    eye horus 2.jpg

    4 horses cropped.jpg

  2. @inedible_hulk Thanks for the welcome and the paper.

    I am aware of the currently understood history of the stars etc with its myths, legends and Gods attributed to them over the years but, if I'm right, this paper is now out of date and wrong in some parts.

    Yeah, quite the statement to make so I'll show you why I said that and what brought me to find this forum. :)

    On 21st December 2012 I sat down to watch a documentary on the Chauvet cave art in Southern France. What I saw hidden/embedded into the art appears to defy everything we think we know about our past.

    Long story, and many visual examples, cut short, here we see a piece from the cave art and a piece from the tomb ceiling of Seti the 1st.

    Points to note;

    Hippo/Lion with its mouth open and tongue out.

    The curvature of the crocodiles form was scratched into the surface of the cave wall.

    A curved plinth stands before the Hippo.

    A flat platform that a four legged animal appears above.

    Both images are mirrored from the sky, as if they were drawn whilst looking down upon those constellations instead of looking up from Earth. Really odd!

    The "flat platform" from the cave art is actually a spear.

    The cave art is over 30,000 years old...

    The chances of these two images being a coincidence are very low.

    So that's what lead me to try to go find the spear in the night sky and it looks like I have  :)

    hippo match set.jpg

    spear explained.jpg


    • Like 2
  3. Thank you @Franklin for the confirmation there and the extra info on the stars used for the spear..

    Since I did those "highlights" I'm not sure if the Pleiades are actually involved in the formation of the spear head as the star next in order gives the spear tip a bit more of a defined shape. The Pleiades kinda stretches that first line to the star at the tip, so some room for error there :)


  4. Thanks all for the replies..

    Think I'll just post them here and see what you all think rather than just go create a new post.. Keeps it simple.

    Thanks @dweller25 for the good idea :)


    Firstly, as far as I understand, the first image is of ancient Egyptian origin and represents a few constellations.

    The Hippo/Lion looking creature over on the left is Orion. Then the bull, Taurus..

    But what about the guy holding the spear?

    Long story short, I have been researching this particular layout from another source and it lead me to actually see if I could find this spear in the night sky..

    So the second image is a collage of photos I took using a Sony a7s mirrorless camera (extreme low light capabilities. Check it out if you get the chance)

    Third image is same set but with spear highlighted.

    Fourth image is the same set but in the negative so I can mark out the major stars that make this all up.

    The fifth image is of an area I had shot as part of my "getting used to using my new camera" scenario and it shows the spear tip on its own.

    This spear (weather permitting) is clearly visible once you know it's there.. I wonder how many of you are able to check this?

    IF ... If I am right, well "mind = blown"...

    A long lost constellation known to ancient Egyptians, and much, much earlier..

    Did I mention how big this spear is? The shaft trails way across the sky so the best time to see it in its entirity is roughly around the time Taurus/Orion rise..

    You cannot miss it..   :)

    Thanks in advance for all thoughts, advice, replies etc.






    arrow star orion MAIN version LIGHT.jpg

    Spear LIGHT.jpg

    negative spear set.jpg

    spear head.jpg

    • Like 1
  5. Hi all,

    I'm in the UK.

    I'm by no means an expert on stars etc but know just a little bit more than the average person.

    Found your forum by way of some research I've been doing and I'd love to get your opinions on what I believe I've found.

    The area in question is just next to Orion, Taurus and the Pleides.

    I have some images avaialable and would like to know the correct section to post them and my theory.

    Thank you in advance and I hope you're all set for a Merry Christmas  :)

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