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  1. Thank you everyone for your time to answer !!! Much appreciated ❤️
  2. Thank you !!!! I will go with your recommendation and follow your link. It’s exactly what I need just pointed which one will be a good start. Also she do love moon so I’m sure she will be happy with that !!! Anything else would be a bonus. Thank you 😊
  3. https://www.bresseruk.com/National-Geographic/NATIONAL-GEOGRAPHIC-114-500-Compact-Telescope.html?mtm_campaign=Google_Shopping&mtm_kwd=9065000&mtm_source=English&mtm_medium=CPC&mtm_cid=UK&mtm_group=PLA&gbraid=0AAAAADfhk6Cz2bAUmvIAs15_fQ4fa097c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2viM1p-HgwMVE49QBh1IewRYEAQYBCABEgLMVvD_BwE
  4. Celestron AstroMaster LT 60AZ refractor Any thoughts about this one ?
  5. Omg I love your response. I guess I don’t have high expectations I don’t think she does either. I do think she just love stars and the moon and like watching them with her father. They are never cold so they can do that together I will wait for lovely warm nights in southern France 😉 Saying all that I do think she is very little still so would love something not supper complicated to use (I m aware we need to help her with that don’t expect that she will use it all by herself )which she could see moon and stars constatation(I do know they would still be just a dots) I will gather some options and have a read about a bit more. I would like to spend up to £120/150. If she developed interest after that we can invest further . Thank you
  6. Hi 👋 again thank you for all the response. I read all and yes I do feel very similar. That she is maybe too young and it may be money spend for nothing but I do also know that she love watching stars and a moon just on the sky as it is. she does have microscope and she do use that to watch things. I do understand it’s not a toy also she still believe in Father Christmas so I really don’t want to disappoint her. I don’t think she has any idea how the telescope should look. I do know she want to take it for holidays for our annual trip to France where the sky it’s much clearer comparing yo London. I will explore all your recommendations at least now I have idea where to start 😃
  7. Hi I do not know anything about stargazing but I am whiling to learn. My 6 years old want telescope for Christmas. She do want one for like 5 months. I do understand that she may not enjoy that as much as she thinks but we decided to get her one you never know. Can anyone advise what to buy? No clue whatsoever…
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