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Malc Spring

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Everything posted by Malc Spring

  1. Thanks for responding guys. That is great. I was thinking of the Baader Quicklock. I do like Baader stuff and have used their equipment in the past. Cheers.
  2. Hi again folks. I've asked this question before, but I could do with a bit more clarification, so please indulge me. I am looking at the possibility of kitting my new scope ota with a 2" diagonal and visual back. The question is, what is the actual size/diameter of the hole in the back of the ota? I've tried finding out, but to no avail. Does anyone else know? If the hole in the back isn't 2" then there doesn't seem any point in going 2" as there will be no benefit to the amount of sky that is visible. Thanks for your thoughts Malc
  3. Hi folks, I have a question and hopefully someone can answer it for me? Way back I owned a C9.25 OTA and I had it kitted out with a Baader 2" Quicklock visual back connected to a Williams Optics 2" diagonal which in turn I used with 2" eyepieces. Regrettably I sold all my astro gear, but now I have been bitten by the bug again and currently I am building a set-up which includes a newly purchased Celestron Nexstar Evolution 8. Now here's the thing. I am wanting to put a 2" diagonal on the 8" OTA and my question is will a 2" visual back/diagonal combo work with a 8" OTA? Obviously if at all possible I would like to go 2" as having that additional 3/4" could be handy. Thanks for your advice. Ta Malc
  4. Hello from across the border in Yorkshire. Like you I have been bitten by the astronomy bug again after many years out. Currently getting myself kitted out again and waiting for some clear skies.
  5. Hey folks, Just a quick one regarding the above. It has probably been done to death, but I've been out of the game for a long time, so please indulge me lol. Is it worth my while investing in this, or do I need to get back to basics again? I've just bought a Celestron Nexstar Evolution 8 and that is loaded with tons of electronics already. With a little bit of time and effort with the new scope perhaps I won't need the Starsense? Is it geared towards total newbies? Would be interested to hear the views of people who own it. Thanks Malc😀
  6. Well this evening I've managed to snag a near mint one and matching Barlow off eBay. The scope arrives tomorrow from FLO, so all is currently good. I really can't wait to get back into the saddle again. Thanks for all your great advice and comments. Malc😀
  7. Many thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate them. Just for the record I've just ordered a Celestron Nexstar 8 Evolution which I'll be using it with. Ta
  8. Hey peeps, I have a question regarding the above. I used to own one years ago, but I've forgotten how it performed. I am just getting back into astronomy after a long time out. That is why I was looking towards getting a zoom as opposed to several individual eyepieces to begin with. I had a multitude of Hyperion eyepieces before with the fine tuning rings too. Also I know that there is a Barlow for the Baader zoom. Is that worth considering? Thanks for any advice Malc
  9. Here is my flatmate. A Mexican Red Knee Tarantula.
  10. Hello folks, So, so glad to be back amongst you good people. Maybe 10 years? So long ago in fact that I've lost my old login details, so I've had to sign up new again. Much has happened including having to sell all my astro gear including a Celestron C9.25 on CG5 mount and all my eyepieces etc Split from my wife and now living with my only companion. A tarantula named Fliss in a flat. A flat you say? Not much chance of stargazing in a flat? Well yesterday I got in touch with FLO (where I got all my astro gear from previously and ordered a Celestron Nexstar 8 Evolution). With this scope being self powered I'll be able to take it out and about with me. I live in a quite rural area and it won't be too far to find dark skies. I'm really happy to be back in the saddle again and can't wait to get started. Malc😀
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