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Everything posted by Kalin

  1. Hi everyone with my Celestron EQ130 with it’s 10 and 20mm e/p it seems my budget centres around the plossl e/p’s to get the views of some of the planets and nebulae would a X? eyepiece be sufficient or a smaller mm eyepiece
  2. Hi Dave I’m probably going to sound like a dope but what’s BST’s !!

    1. dave34


      Hi Kalin, click on the FLO banner at the top of  SGL,  you will find the BST eyepieces for sale here in  their store, i highly recommend these ep's,  Hope this helps. Dave.

    2. Kalin


      Thank you Dave but unfortunately and I am a little embarrassed to say that even at those prices that to some degree are a touch too expensive. I’ve probably bitten off more than I can chew with an expensive hobby, as stated after my accident and not being able to walk never mind work money is tight but thank you for time helping.

  3. Guys you are all very kind in giving me your valuable feedback but being a COMPLETE NOVICE to all this you all lost me after eyepiece with the different lenses and mm I’m willing to spend upto 30 pounds if this could buy me anything to enhance my experience. Long story short but I was nearly killed 7years ago in a oxygen cylinder explosion subsequently I didn’t but nearly lost my leg and so after 7 years 8 operations to rebuild my leg and my mental health this is something to give my brain a good kicking.
  4. Hi thanks for information really appreciate it is there any you can recommend for me I want to take it seriously and I know you get what you pay for but money being an issue what’s the best of the cheapest.
  5. Hi guys, new to this stargazing after buying an Celestron 130EQ MD which comes with a x10 and x20 eyepiece. Are these more than capable of looking at planets ( within reason ) or do I need what I’ve been reading about with a Barlow 2 and Barlow 3 or 5. So much information is confusing want to experience the joy of stargazing but before taking a lunge into buying more expensive gear just want the necessities. Thank you in advance for any help.
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