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Everything posted by DaisyDaisy

  1. Thanks for the advice. I got a moon filter with it but this was such a spur of the moment thing - midnight, new years eve, one or two tots of whisky down the hatch. Trying to keep the lights off to keep night vision and first time I've ever used a telescope. Will take your advice on board. Also must get phone holder/ adapter. Must try harder next time 😂😉👍
  2. Popped out at midnight to check out local fireworks displays, got a break in the clouds, whipped it out and managed a couple of snaps freehand on my google pixel 6a. I'm hooked. Time to work out what I'm doing. 😁👍. Happy New Year, y'all.
  3. Hi Nikolai, Many thanks. It's a Heritage 150P. Taken out of the box for a quick look-see and set-up, then put back in the box as we have 2 weeks of heavy cloud/weather forecast. I will be keeping a hopeful eye open though 😁👍
  4. As a total newbie to both forum and hobby who's getting his first telescope for Christmas tomorrow, I have to say I'm impressed and will be well pleased if I can get images like this, once the clouds clear of course. Thanks for giving me hope. Here's wishing you a very merry ( and clear skies) Christmas. 😁👍
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