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  1. Thank you everyone very much for your answers i appreciate it. I found a dobsonian 8" used at 400€ and i'm thinking to buy it. In the feature can i use another mount to use the same telescope for astrophotography?
  2. Hi David, I usually go to the island for a month in the summer, but also for about a week at Christmas and a week at Easter and there is no light at all to a lot places, so the only problem that will exist in the summer will be the atmosphere. I have a car, so whenever I go on out with the telescope I will take it with the car. In the city, I live in an apartment where there are stairs to get up to the roof (from there I will observe if I am not going anywhere) and to reach the car, but I usually have people help me with the transport if it is about heavy objects. In general, it is easy for me to move somewhere away from the lights when i am in the city.
  3. Thank you all for your replies. From what I understand, it's better not to spend a large amount on the first telescope and to get something that will make me learn the sky and learn what I want from a telescope, especially if I don't manage to be at some star-party or something similar to have an idea before I buy something.
  4. Thank you all for your replies! Yes, I would like to see something beyond the solar system, that's why I want to give as much money as it takes so that the nebulae and galaxies that are far away don't look like gray blurs. So as I understand it is better to exceed $500 so as not to be disappointed with what I will see. I generally live in a city, but for more than 1 month a year I go to an island, so the telescope will be used there, and light pollution will not be a problem. Even in a dark sky, the DSOs looks like gray smudges? In fact, I am quite concerned about not being disappointed, the astronomy club in my city is not very active, I am waiting for a long time for them to answer me to go with them for some observation. I also have a camera and I would like to use it, but I learned that the dobs aren't for deep sky astrophotography, is that true? And if so, what should my mount or the telescope have to take deep sky photos? My main interest is observing the DSO through the telescope and not just taking pictures, but since I have a camera it will be very nice if I can use it.
  5. Hello everyone! I live in Greece and I'm interested in buying my first telescope. What interests me is deep space. Since this is my first telescope, I wouldn't want to pay more than $500, but I would like to get something that will keep my interest. I understand that how far I will be able to observe depends a lot on the money, so I would like the money I have available to translate into the maximum distance observation (relative to the money). From what I understand it's better to look for a reflector / dobsonian telescope. With $500 can I observe deep space or will I have to go to more money? Also, what features should I focus on? I have been very excited about astronomy since I was a child and I am very much looking forward to my first telescope. Thank you very much in advance!!
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