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Posts posted by EliinAfrica

  1. Thanks all for the great suggestions.

    Here are some clarifications:

    1) my daughter has the same attention span of a 6 years old of course but she showed interest in the sky since she was small and plays with a pretend telescope, I also always wanted to have a telescope and never did so I'd like this to become one regular thing to do together

    2) I'd like her to learn about the sky and I'd be keener towards a traditional telescope for a series of reasons, once being that she doesn't have a phone and I am not a fan of gadgets, second that I learn to sail the traditional way before learning to use instruments and I understood much more of what is behind, so I think this is applicable to everything :)

    3) light pollution close to none so we are good there

    4) I really need something portable as we would move it around and also, I have to ship it from the UK, so the lighter the better

    5) I need something sturdy and not over complicated to fix/maintain. Here the issue is the high humidity that kills a lot of electronics and challenges the mechanics too, so I need good quality equipment

    6) we would definitely stargaze outdoors, climate is always warm here, so we got some advantages

    7) budget is flexible within reason 

    Thanks again everyone!

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  2. On 02/11/2023 at 18:00, Stu1smartcookie said:

    I would suggest a refractor on an alt-az non computerised mount would be a good starting point as it would be casically maintenance free . Not sure what your budget is though , so that is a key factor . How easy is it to buy astronomy gear where you live ? Here i the UK i'm sure we sometimes forget that buying scopes etc can be somewhat challenging in certain places .

    Thanks for your answer - any specific model in mind?

    I am open in terms of budget, buying I would need to get in the UK and freight forward - which I have done many times, as far as stuff is properly packed it is not a problem.

    If you can recommend a specific model (or more) I can have a look online.

    Thanks a lot for your answer!

  3. Hi,

    I am looking for starting but decent equipment for my 6 years old.

    She would use the telescope with me and I would like to enjoy it too :)

    Would probably be nice to have something reasonably portable, if theres anything decent on the market.

    I live in Africa so no support here - I would need to take care of the basic maintenance myself, but the least maintenance is required the better it is...

    Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

  4. Hi everyone.,

    I just signed up to the forum as I am interested in Astronomy since I was a child but I never owned a telescope. 

    My daughter is almost 6 and is very attracted by the planets and the stars so I wanted to find something for her to start the journey.

    I hope I can find useful information in here :)


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