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Everything posted by Stellaris

  1. My rig has a go to mount, however my scope is manually focused each time. That’s as automated as it is. What’s plate solving ?
  2. I use a SW 150P explorer with a SW NEQ3-2 Pro Goto. Simply put, I have no idea how to make a mosaic image. I don't even know what software to use to set it up or to control my rig. So I guess my questions can be summed up to: What and How?
  3. Hi, I'm fairly new to astrophotography. I'm using a SkyWatcher 150/750P, with a SW NEQ3-2 Pro Goto, and a Fujifilm x-t3. I'm wonderwing whether its best for me to overexpose or underexpose?
  4. @moggi1964 thanks a lot for the offer, I’d greatly appreciate it. I gotta say I think the SGL is awesome. Being able to talk to so many different ppl with the same passion. As some of you may have understood already, I’m somewhat stuck with my rig, I can’t return it or upgrade it without it costing me a small fortune. So I gotta try and make the best of it (for imaging). ive been told that the SW150P wasn’t great for imaging (after having bought it 😑) but it does produce some pictures. I can upload a few on m’y profile as a reference point. If anyone has ever used this scope or a similar setup, any more tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I happened to get an upgrade in cam from the Fujifilm x-t2 to x-t3. So at least there’s that.
  5. So you don’t think it’d be helpful for me to add a counterweight. so far, the weight load didn’t seem to be an issue (apart from the fact that I can’t balance the right ascension axis)
  6. In the supported weight of the tripod, are the counterweights included in the number?
  7. Hi, I own a SW 150P Newtonian and a SW NEQ3-2 Pro goto. I bought this kit under the advice of a seller at the store i purchased it at. More recently I’ve been told on the SGL that I may have not purchased a very good or compatible rig. The fact that I can’t very effectively balance my rig with my camera seems to support that claim. Quite a bit of my deep sky images come back a little shaky and we can see some stars bouncing around the frame. I own a fujifilm x-t2. I don’t know if buying another counterweight would do the trick or if i’m just straight up screwed if i use this scope on this mount. But since it’s used now, I can’t exactly return it and change rig. So yea, any help and tips would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Seems relevant to mention that when I add the 10 or 25mm lens to the barlow with my cam, I place it in the 2x barlow and thread it straight to my t ring.
  9. Hi, I use a SW 150P with a Fujifilm x-t2 camera for astrophotography. I recently learned that I could place a Barlow lens in front of my camera for increased magnification, and have tried every combination of lens with the Barlow, no lens just Barlow, with focal increase, without. (Just in case the Barlow is the spacer with the lens right? The lens bit doesn’t go at the end of the eyepiece right?) I can’t seem to be able to produce a single image, not even in the live view. Some people told me it might have to do with the focus, but considering the number of parts involved in the process, it seems fairly doubtful. If anyone’s has any experience with this, or some insight to pass along, it would really help me. Thanks
  10. Hi, I have a skywatcher 150P with a SW NEQ3-2 pro GoTo. I’ve recently encountered a few issues regarding alignment with the GoTo system. I always end up way off of my alignment stars when aligning, and therefore my targets later on. I’m fairly new to astrophotography but I previously got the alignment right a few times. I’m in France and have plugged in my coordinates, and elevation accordingly, yet I still can’t get it right. I position the scope pointing at Polaris for the home position before turning the power on. I don’t have a polar scope so I just roughly align Polaris in my polar scope slot in my mount. If anyone can help me, I’d greatly appreciate it.
  11. The objects being out of focus was my guess two, but I’m not quite sure if i need more distance between my sensor and scope, or less of it.
  12. Hi, I’ve recently encountered some issues when imaging with my Newtonian reflector Sky-Watcher 150P. I’ve managed to take images before with my flat camera, but as soon as I add a 2x Barlow and a 10mm lens, I suddenly lose any image. It was my understanding that it would provide me with a zoom, but with no image, I can’t really tell. Any possible fix or solution or feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks all
  13. Hi, I’m fairly knew to astrophotography and I’m wondering if there is a book or website that can catalogue and inform me on essentially any deep space target that I can photograph throughout the year. To know when it’s visible, best to shoot, etc… Thanks.
  14. I’m not entirely sure what “coma” is. I’m still new to Astrophotography and have only taken a few shots of andromeda, the hercules globular cluster, and the North America nebula. (I’m still having trouble finding targets in the northern hemisphere than can fit in the composition of my scope).
  15. @Ouroboros thanks for the reply. Quick follow ups, what kind of targets did you manage to shoot at this focal length ? Also is your name a nod to Lego Ninjago XD?
  16. Hi, I own a SW 150P with a NEQ3-2 Pro (Goto). I’m still rather new to imaging but I find that it’s a pretty good beginner/intermediate imaging scope. However the long focal length does limit my FOV and composition quite a bit, so i’ve been looking at shorter focal length refractors for wider field imaging. Any opinions, feedback, or reviews on these two scopes (or other that are less than 800€) would really come a long way. Thanks to all
  17. @Carbon Brush, a shorter telescope or camera lens seems to be what everyone is suggesting me to invest in. (And I agree) For starters my telescope is pretty good for imaging, but my compositions are limited without reducers (because of the FOV). But camera lenses or wide field refractors are both expensive, so I ought to purchase a good one the first time around. I’m thinking I can put in something like 600-700€ in a refractor? (If anyone has any suggestions for wide field refractors that can fit in this price range I’d appreciate it). I know I’m still new to astrophotography but my mount seems to be doing a pretty good job at tracking, even without a polar scope (with my Newtonian reflector). In any case thank you all for your responses and feedback.
  18. Hi, I currently own a Sky Watcher 150/750P, a NEQ3-2 Pro Goto, and a Fujifilm x-t2. I’m more interested in your opinion vis-a-vis my scope. I’ve only recently gotten into Astrophotography, and I’m wondering whether i made the right choice of equipment or not. My most recent images are rather zoomed in when it comes to nebulae, I can’t seem to find targets that are more suitable for the FOV of my scope. Any feedback, thoughts, suggestions, and or possible targets to shoot would be greatly appreciated. I also wonder if there’s a way to simulate a telescope’s view on a target based on aperture and focal length. (Like a composition simulator if that makes sense) Thank you all for your answers in advance.
  19. I’m asking because I’m new here and don’t know how this works. But what exactly are said criteria and like how does it work? thanks a lot to everyone for your answers
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