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  1. I can easily rule out the ISS as that orbits and this did not seem to move. When I say as long as I cared to look up it was there...I would say the hour and a half we were on the beach plus an occasional glance up over the next hour or so before we kinda grew tired of monitoring it. Without having it in a telescope view finder I can't say whether it moved in unison with the sun or not. It sure seemed to be in the same location above us though. I have seen a weather balloon when I was a teenager back in the 70's and I suppose it could have been a balloon at extreme altitude. I appreciate the input from everyone. I guess at the time I wrote it off to a US military satellite that was stationed directly over the Navy base but wasn't sure if you could actually see that in the daylight?
  2. Hi everyone. Hey I joined this forum because I have been unable to find an answer to my question anywhere else. So back in early January of 2018, probably the 6th or 7th, my wife and I were on vacation in Kauai Hawaii. As many may know, the US navy has its Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands beach on Kauai. We were laying on a beach probably 20 miles from the base. It was sometime in the early to mid afternoon and as we looked up, almost directly overhead wearing only sunglasses (my hat brim covered the sun) I saw a bright light. I was able to easily point this out to my wife who recalls this to this day. It looked like Venus does as far as size an intensity only it was a cloudless sunny day. It did not move and remained there for as long as we cared to look at it. On subsequent days I was unable to find it in the sky. I asked quite a few locals and they all acted quite odd and didn't engage in the subject which I thought was really odd. I'm curious if anyone has seen this on Kauai? I thought perhaps it was a geosynchronous satellite related to the Navy but I didn't think they can be seen due to their altitude and I am not aware of any celestial objects that are visible in bright daylight. Thanks for your feedback in advance.
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