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Everything posted by Starsonmull

  1. I have a 6 inch Dob i picked up in a charity shop very cheaply, i added a dual speed focus as the original was not smooth due to rust but the mirror was perfect. Then i bought a MAK 127 and AZGTE to travel with as we move between Cheshire (bortle4) and Ross of Mull (Bortle 0) and the dob is too big to travel with. I'm looking for something quick and easy to put on an alt Az mount between clouds and showers that is small and wider field that i can start to use my crop nikon DSLR with for nebula images. so question is 80mm short tube or 100mm or jump to a 62mm APO?
  2. so my issue is the slip part of the push to go is moving during the tracked rotation, do i fix the orange baseplate to the long green rail on the opposite end to the counterbalance or use the ball head and try to use a screw to lock the PTFE plates together thus still being able to use the fine adjust wands or take off the arm and just leave the final wand using the original black 90 degree bracket with the clutch and fine adjustment....or just give up and but a GTI?? which i could then also guide
  3. Stu, thanks for the advice, do you have any pictures of your setup? to you use a scope or just DSLR on your kit? Thanks
  4. Hi I have a star adventurer 2i that i love for wide field photography and recently i have been gifted a Starsense explorer 102AZ to travel with up to Mull from Chester as we go regularly, I was thinking about selling this kit to get a goto set up like the nexstar 127 Mak by celestron but i wondered if i might be better with either an upgrade to my tracker to the GTI version with goto or could i use the star explorer set up and app on the counterbalance end of the 2i tracker or even next to the camera to get a push to star tracker set up (i have seen them added to dobsonians on youtube) ? i know im looking to cover a lot of things here but id like to get the most out of my kit before i change it
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