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Everything posted by guywithonequestion

  1. I am using my max ISO and would like to say that I am currently trying to find a way to open my aperture to 3.5 as for some reason it doesn't let me open it fully in manual mode. But I am using the lowest possible f value I can.
  2. I did not know that despite thinking I researched this topic. Thank you I will try because I really think it is out of focus the more I look at it.
  3. Yes I am using a remote trigger device, but I still have a shaky frame for every 5 pictures . I will try tomorrow again but I'll go for 500 photos.
  4. Well I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that but I either use live view or my eyepiece to manual focus on the nebula. Generally, I get better results with my eyepiece as the live view display is low res and doesn't really capture the nebula well.
  5. Hello, I think I am about to go insane. Yesterday I took 101 photos of the Orion Nebula, processed them with deep sky stacker and photoshop. Today I took 383 photos of Orion and processed them the exact same way. From what I understand I should be getting amazing stuff with around 400 photos, I was extremely confused as to why my images were turning out like this, so I spent 2 hours in photoshop making 3 different versions of the same image, I tried tweaking everything I could but yet no major difference. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I understand this is silly but I ask for your help. (the first file is made up of 101 images and the second of 383)
  6. Well since I am on a budget I won't purchase a tracker, as those are pretty expensive where I live. My lens is some sort of zoom lens that can go from 28 to 135mm. I'll go out and buy a spare battery or two. I'll stick to larger and brighter objects as not to go above one minute of exposure. My mount is pretty stable so I'm hoping for the best on a clear sky! Thanks for the help!
  7. I have recently purchased a tripod and remote trigger device. Me being really into astronomy, I would like to enquire about your opinions of the 500D. I would like to shoot some planets and deep sky stuff with just the camera. I know I sound like I am joking, but I would say I have a capable lens and good software to mess around with the images. All I need to know is if this camera can perform decently in astrophotography, if not I'll stick to landscape photography.
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