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Harold C

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Everything posted by Harold C

  1. Here's another one with the big dipper from that morning.
  2. There was quite a bit of high clouds and contrails making it seem hazy last night, so I only shot 3 quick subs. It turned out better than I expected, wish I shot a few dozen now, lol. Samsung S22Ultra, 3x lens, 10 seconds @ ISO 1600. Stacked in Eagle images Stacker and processed in Lightroom.
  3. A few weeks ago I took this exposure during the aurora outbreak. At first I thought it might be a reflection. Later I thought and others suggested it might be STEVE. Now, after running across this article, I'm pretty sure it was SAR. https://www.livescience.com/rare-blood-red-arc-of-light-shines-in-the-scandinavian-sky-what-is-it
  4. The clouds thinned out last night for a view of the N lights. After processing the Orion one, which I shot first in order to gauge focus, I noticed a red streak coming from the general direction of the aurora. My guess is it is a reflection of headlights from the nearby highway and not related, but I thought it was kinda odd, never seen a reflection quite like that. Shot with a S22Ultra in Pro mode
  5. Here's a quick shot from the other night before moonrise. This is only 5 subs @20" and ISO 500. The program stacks much more easily after the last update.
  6. Any suggestions as to how best make flats with my cellphone's main 1× camera. I'm thinking of taping some parchment paper over it and shooting into a white screen of some sort.
  7. Shot with an S22Ultra in RAW. 20 seconds @ISO 800. A stack of 7 lights, done in Eagle Images Stacker. Adjusted the curves and levels in Snapseed.
  8. I was able to use it the other night. I combined 7 RAW widefield (28mm equivalent) 20 second exposures @ISO 800 of the Orion region. I was surprised to see the flame nebula in the resulting stack. It definitely shows promise. I talked with the developer and he's going to integrate calibration frames in the near future. So, stay tuned.
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