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Pete K

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Posts posted by Pete K

  1. On 17/02/2024 at 14:49, SteveBz said:

    So I used nou's script here for the first 3.


    Which works perfectly.

    What did you use for PHD2?

    Kind regards



    I believe Nou's scripts have been updated to also build PHD2, but I haven't built with that (I do build kstars/ekos/indi with those scripts).

    I've been building PHD2 with these instructions:


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  2. 4 hours ago, Avocette said:

    Yes -  I’ve been successfully using the RPi 5 with KStars etc. since my December post. I first install the current 64 bit Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm) and use the Advanced tab in sudo raspi-config to switch off Wayland and revert to X11. After that I simply follow Nou’s instructions. At the present time, the astro-build-stable script builds KStars 3.6.9 with Indi 2.0.6. All working very well (and equally well if a little less snappy on the RPi 4). One oddity, which Nou says is solvable, is that an installation built on the RPi 5 will not work on the RPi 4.

    Thanks for the info. I've been using my work-around with Wayland, I may try with X11 just to see how that works. I'm also building with Nou's scripts - build-soft-latest - and it seems to be working well. I found that with the RPi 5, connecting to my USB devices is much more reliable. With the RPi 4, I often had to restart kstars/ekos and cycle the devices to get them all to connect. I rarely have that problem with the RPi 5. My devices are Nikon D7500, iOptron GEM28, ZWO ASI120MM-mini and a GPS dongle (via gpsd).

  3. On 09/12/2023 at 03:44, Avocette said:

    Better news today since the latest release of RPi OS bookworm (2023-12-05), the @nou script works again and installs KStars 3.6.8. This looks good, and seems to operate with my Astro equipment. However the Wayland features seem to have ‘lost’ the KStars main screen window control bar, so there are no exit, minimise nor maximise control buttons. This loss is intermittent and very occasionally the window control bar returns. I guess the best workaround for now may be to revert to X11.

    Have you resolved the issue with the window controls? I have that also, but I've found a work-around. If I use the file manager to open a .fits file with kstars, it opens kstars with the window controls. The fits viewer lacks the window controls, but I just use the File: Exit menu to close the .fits file viewer and use kstars from that point. Very weird.

  4. I had my Nikon D7500 modified with the Full Spectrum conversion by AstroGear (https://www.astrogear.net/). I've had it a few months and so far I've been really happy with it. Nebula images after the mod show much more H-alpha (red). 

    As was mentioned by @Elp, for normal daytime photography you'll have to set a custom white balance (or correct the WB in post processing). I use a Hoya UV-IR cut filter to prevent the IR in daytime photography from causing blurring.

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