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Everything posted by Manoj77

  1. How is this different to the controller that came with my AZ 100 go to system and motor is etc.? thanks.
  2. Hi, How does your Baader T2 Zeiss diagonal attach to your FC-100DF? Did you attach the Baader 2" nosepiece to the T2 ?
  3. Thank you!. All makes sense to me now. Thank you for your time.
  4. I have had the amount now for about a month and I really like it. However I’m still not clear on to what degree I should use the damping knobs compared to the amount of tension I put on the clutch compared to how I’ve got the worm gear set with the grub screws. Seems there are three factors here all which come into play, and I’m not sure what the relationship is exactly between the three components and how they should all be set relative to each other. If anyone can help me by providing some clarity on this, I’d appreciate it.
  5. Interesting post. What changes did you make to the configuration that enabled you to reduce the damping time to one second?
  6. I have a de-forked 9.25" Ultima from mid 90's I think. I now use it on the left side of an Rowan AZ100 Mount and I need to attach a finder shoe in a position that will save my neck and not require me to drill into the tube. If you would please refer to the attached 2 photos I would like to mount it on the tube at 12 o'clock, above the focuser knob. There are 3 screws there and I would like to know which ones I can remove. I am hoping I can remove A and B and if so, any suggestions on how to attach a finder? The width between the 2 screws (A and B) is too wide for the regular finder shoes. I welcome any suggestions. Thanks Manoj Sood
  7. My new AZ100, TPOD100 have arrived and I had the pleasure of using them last night with my elderly C9.25. I made my astronomy bones many years ago as a ‘star hopper’. That was long before goto and we would use star charts with wire circles on a dowel that were equal in diameter to the field of view of my finder scope and hunting eyepieces. It was a great way to get to know the sky. I always preferred a fork type of equatorial mount for star hopping or anything visual. I never enjoyed using an EQ mount although I could appreciate the benefits. I began thinking, what would be an ideal visual mount be for my style of observing? My dream mount would be a fork type AZ mount with electronic tracking and slow motion controls that could hold different OTA’s. Such a mount could be operated electronically and manually and both electronic controls and manual controls could be used at the same time if necessary. I liked the style of the Celestron and Meade Fork mounts but they only came with an SCT attached to it. Over the years I saw a trend towards the development of more sophisticated AZ Mounts, but none gave me all the options I was looking for. A year ago I came across the AZ100. I got in touch with their very helpful and responsive team and they told me that a motorized kit would soon be available for the AZ100. After many conversations and online research I now have the AZ100 mount. It does everything I need and is rock solid with the TPOD110 and my C9.25 (and by the way, yes the C9.25 can reach zenith with this combo). Only thing missing is the electronic tracking which will begin shipping in a number weeks. Its great to have a mount that is quick to setup and so simple to use and helps me hop across the sky so simply and smoothly. The Rowan AZ100 is a big step towards removing the clutter between my eye and the objects I love looking at. Highly recommended.
  8. Thank you for the detailed reply. I used the scope and mount last night and I was amazed how intuitive it is. It really is a work of art and his team at Rowan were incredibly helpful and responsive throughout my decision making and ordering process. I notice that he one thing I have to do is firm up the worm gear as per the instructions in the manual. I notice a bit of slack and delay before the worm gear engages when using the slow motion controls, so I assume I need to tighten it?
  9. My AZ100 arrives in a few days and I have been reading the manual. I see that each axis has a clutch and a brake. When would the clutch be used and when would the brake be used? I have never used a mount with both a brake and a clutch on each axis so I am trying to understand what appears to to be a redundancy, but obviously isn’t. Thanks!
  10. Thank you. Do you need any particluar adaptor to connect the goto systekm to the power supply?
  11. If anyone is using an Avalon TPOD 110 or 130 with the Avalon EQ6 adapter plate and AZ100 can you please post a picture of how the adapter plate is fitted or post a detailed description? Seems the plate can only fit onto the top of the tripod or from underneath? If it mounts from underneath then it seems that the adapter plate is simply a glorified washer? My TPOD 110 just arrived and I am curious to understand the placement of the adapter before my AZ100 mount arrives, hopefully next week.
  12. Hello, wondering if anybody can help me please? Will I be able to reach zenith with an AZ100, with tilt handle, on an Avalon TPOD 110 or 130 tripod?
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