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Everything posted by Coolhand1988

  1. This is great. Was thinking of spending £6000+ on a DS lunt that was a universal scope middle of next year. Could be much sooner now. I will look out for user reviews here and CN. About time solar viewing is at a more reasonable price for a decent aperture. Thanks
  2. I haven't watch the video yet. I probably get some more insight on this over at the CN forums before I buy. There is also another version that tests light in RGB for refractors. The Hubble star test is really good for the job, but poorly designed. It can easily fall apart, so treat it gently 😂. Thanks
  3. Telescope house has a black Friday sale on this eyepiece and all other eyepieces up to 20% off. And a further 45% off on a couple of other ES eyepieces. Thanks
  4. I'm looking to update my Hubble star test with this one. I can't help you on your question, but there is a YouTube video, which may give you your answer. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the testing of the 2.5mm Nagler. 480x with an exit pupil of 0.42mm, the view would of been much dimmer, compared to your 9mm delite( 133x exit pupil 1.5mm). It was probably the high magnification, the smaller exit pupil and Jupiter. I have to ask, how was your eye floaters at that exit pupil and magnification using the 2.5mm Nagler? The 5mm Nagler should be much better and comfortable for Jupiter. I await your verdict on that one. Cheers.
  6. Wow, the ES 30 looks massive, compared to your Dob! Must be the camera angle. I take it the EP was originally boxed and Argon purged? Hopefully you can use it as soon as storm Bert has completely passed. Thanks
  7. Congrats on the purchase. Amazon doesn't appear to have all the ES 82°s range available ? I won't tell you about the TMB planetary EPs on Ali Express. They were already cheap, even with VAT. Now there even cheaper at £16 before VAT!Black Friday I believe? Thanks
  8. The last few posts reminded me of a thread I started last year. I have yet to find out, what eyepieces become unsuitable when my floaters will become a problem. I have a large one, in no other than my right eye. I was also advised about binoviewing. And I was also advised from the eye doctor about the risk of getting them removed, not by laser though. Looking forward to hearing your overall thoughts on the 2.5 Nagler. Thanks
  9. Hi Yes, Televue advertise distance of eye relief should by exact. I have read some manufactures exaggerate more ER than the claimed distance. Please let us know about your upcoming Nagler eyepiece and your experience with the seller. Thanks
  10. Hi I have this seller on my watchlist. Some of the items are fairly low in price, others items are over the top. I might make an offer on something small the seller has! The only downside to Naglers for me is their short eye relief. Only the 22mm and 31mm has the highest ER of 19mm. Which is probably on the lowest border for observing with glasses. However, it's a Televue, they will always sell at reasonable price. Thanks
  11. The first link is a discussion on the sticker: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/869167-explore-scientific-82°-eyepiece/ This link has the post from ES but 5 years old: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/678042-es82-white-box/ Everyone likes to save a few pennies. Although I never got a direct answer, it appears the nitrogen purge 82 degrees eyepieces are the older versions, compared to the Argon purge. The ones on Amazon are indeed argon purge, which doesn't fully answer why they are over £100 cheaper. Thanks
  12. Yes, according to ES. Nitrogen gas escapes quicker over time than Argon gas. That's why the change. Does that mean the eyepieces with Nitrogen are an older version, although both work as intended ? Thanks
  13. There are some posts over at the CN forums about this. One is a post from Explore scientific, quoting these eyepieces are not endorsed or supported by them. Does this mean these EPs are third party or re-branded versions? Is the eye relief still a generous 22mm? Adds more confusion to my original questions. Thanks
  14. Just for reference. I got the TAK paint( green and white ) from a US dealer last November. Thanks
  15. Hi I've been looking at this eyepiece to treat myself to an early Christmas present. I've come across two different prices for these eyepieces, which are brand new. FLO list them for £365. Amazon prime for £255. Am I missing something here? Also, there are two used versions of these eyepieces on EBay for around £220. One is Argon purge and the other is Nitrogen purge. Is the latter a much older version ? Thanks
  16. Thanks all for the alternative ways of getting the paint colours. As a last resort, this could be the only way of getting 'cheap' paint for a Takahashi scope. I have emailed another US dealer and explained that these paints are completely unavailable in the UK and Takahashi Europe. Hopefully, I may get a positive outcome this time. Thanks
  17. It appears that Japanese Takahashi dealer only sells the green paint. I could not find the white or even the light blue paint. Thanks
  18. Ian from FLO already replied to my query( should really re-check my emails ). The paints are only available in the US from Takahashi North America and no dealer outside the US can source them. ( that's the reason I ordered directly from the US retailer). If that's the case, why did the US retailer cancelled my order? They ship other items abroad. Still confused by all this. However, that Japanese dealer could be my last hope.......for paint? ridiculous! Thanks Edit Just incase. Does any member here know the exact colours that Takahashi use on their scopes. Dulux do a colour chart for reference.
  19. Many thanks for that link. I see if FLO can source these items first. If not, I will try the Takahashi dealer in Japan. Thanks
  20. Hi Oops, I already contacted FLO about these paints and on another rare item for my scope. Ian replied that these paints are manufactured by Takahashi North America and he cannot source their products. He is waiting for a response from Takahashi Europe on this matter. It's been a week, so I will ask for an update. There is a Takahashi 8x50 finder that I am currently eyeing up. That paint would of come in handle for that. Just wanted to get my scope looking like new. Frustrating to say the least🙁 Thanks
  21. Hi Yes, that's exactly why I ordered them from the states. Green paint TA-TTP0002 White paint TA-TTP0003 Not sure if FLO or any other UK takahashi retailers can order the paint from the same retailer in the U.S? Is this a Brexit or Takahashi agreement? I mean it's only paint! Thanks
  22. Hi I just had my U.S order for the Takahasi green and white paint bottles cancelled and refunded. Apparently, the retailer is not authorized to send Takahashi items to the UK, as there are Takahashi retailers here. Last time I checked, these paints where unavailable in the UK or Europe. Does anyone know of the white and green paint colour codes, that Takahashi use on their scopes? Thanks
  23. Thanks, I will recheck my original information on recommended pier depths.
  24. Thanks for that advice and yes, around 24-30 inches seems more common in the UK.
  25. Thanks, I have read of frost line and the 48 inches figure. Also, I found that post over at CN with 29 pages, so I have a good read on that later. ATS permanent piers are and look the part. Tad expensive, but I believe unavailable for the UK. The other interesting thing about that video was the so called 'Poor Seeing' conditions having an input on these so called mounts as well. Thanks
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