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Everything posted by Drbaek

  1. I replaced a plastic washer. but It' was not affective. (It still has tak tak noise but R/A is smoother than before ) I presume the tak tak noise which is can hear after slew for 3~5seconds and disappear comes from the spring or worm and gear. Perhaps it is the sound made when the gear moves quickly and the force acting on the gear or spring slowly loosens and finds its place. It's just my idea and I don't know the answer. I will stop tuning any more. In fact, if I put up with the noise for a few seconds after GOTO, there seems to be no problem with tracking and shooting stars. Thank you for your help!!!
  2. I've tried loosen the grub screws a little. but it has still tak tak sound I have made a plastic washer. I'll try it to my Az gti. Hope this will be the solution. Thank you !!
  3. My az gti has the same noise tak tak. Is there any one who solved the problem??
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