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Posts posted by Paul_Sussex

  1. A late update...

    Real life got in the way a bit and, along with extra clouds from FLO, just starting to get out more.

    On 10th June set up quickly in the garden for some lunar observation - a bit early and no visible stars to align. Almost (?) full moon and a filter made a huge difference. Finding my way around but managed to identify Tycho, Schiller, Gassendi, Gassendi A, Copernicus and Kepler. Must get a decent lunar map.

    On 7th July out with the local club. With a bit of help, found out I can centre the moon and then just set too lunar tracking. Worked well without doing a proper alignment. Had a nice chat with a lady and her son also getting started with a similar scope - Celestron Astro Fi 6? Similar problems to those I had, so maybe it's just getting used to the mount?

    And this morning, up early to view Saturn and Jupiter. Again, couldn't find any stars to align on - sky too light. Nice low power view of Saturn and rings - no cloud or ring definition. The supplied 25mm is fine, but I think I definitely need a replacement for the 10mm. Didn't bother with the Barlow, although maybe should have tried it with the 25mm? Found Jupiter but very blurry - unfortunately, where I was set up Jupiter was right over the conservatory, so plenty of hot air! 🙄 I'll know better in future.

    So...things are looking up. Just need more practise! Watch this space...

    • Like 5
  2. I've recently bought the same set-up new from FLO. I found following the manual worked, but you have to be careful with north alignment - true north, not magnetic - and levelling - best with a separate level rather than the on mount bubble level. Also, as mentioned US date format and either GMT/UTC or confirm daylight saving time. Found that two star alignment would get me in the general location, usually in or close to the finder scope view.

  3. I've just had a couple of nights out with my new Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO and Celestron Lithium LT powertank. Initialising and alignment go okay and the mount slews and tracks but at some point the handset seems to freeze and won't accept any key inputs. The only way to clear it seems to be powering down and starting from scratch - a little frustrating and annoying. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm hoping it might just be a firmware issue. Queried with FLO, so waiting to see if they have any ideas as well.

  4. So, just been out on the South Downs - a nice clear night. Managed a good 2-star alignment and started tracking the moon. Good views along the terminator, even with the 10mm EP and Barlow (which was pushing it a bit). I will have to get some decent EP's eventually, as I want to try out some lunar sketching.

    Still having problems with the SynScan. Every now and then the handset seems to freeze and won't accept any input from the buttons. I'll have to contact FLO and see if there's a fix. I'm hoping it's just a firmware issue and can be sorted with a download. Has anyone else had this issue? It's a little frustrating.

    • Like 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, PeterC65 said:

    I've been reading this thread with interest as I also bought a Skymax 127 on a Synscan AZ GOTO mount as my first scope about a year ago, and I also avoid excess technology (my mobile phone is a Doro)...

    After a year of using the scope and mount I'd say the most important lessons have been:

    • Use a good Powertank - I've never had any problem with power supply.
    • Sit down to observe so that you can really take your time with each object - I have the tripod permanently lowered and I cant over the diagonal so that the eyepiece is roughly horizontal and I can look through it comfortably while seated on my stool (a kick stool with casters).
    • Use a clothes peg to give you fine focus - I scoffed at this initially but now it is a standard part of my Skymax 127 kit and I use it all of the time.


    Did a lot of trawling through threads, including yours. A lot of accumulated wisdom on here. And yes, the immediate upgrades -

    Used the AA battery pack for a quick peek but now have the same Celestron lithium battery.

    Lowered the tripod indoors - seemed much steadier. Need to find a suitable seat for observing.

    And have a couple of clothes pegs standing by for minor fettling.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Ratlet said:

    I just picked up one of these myself.  Very excited to give it a whirl.  Well, it's the celestron version at any rate

    You could download the synscan pro for your phone.  I don't think it'll work with the mount, but if you go to 'utility' (might have to click the 6 red dots in a circle on the bottom right first) then click the 'tonights best' it should give a list of objects that are visible from you location (ignoring local trees, house, sheds, etc).  You can then select it on your handset.  Also tells you the elevation/direction so you can make a rough judgement if you are likely to see it or if it'll be obscured.

    I'm slowly finding my way round the mount. Although one problem - certain items in the menu seem to freeze up and I have to power off to continue. Must check if this is a known issue. Also, don't think I could download to my phone - temp.jpg.62c04c8a9609dade90fe3b6a93595be5.jpg

    Hope you have as much fun with the Celestron! 😉 Be interested to hear how you get on with it.

    • Haha 3
  7. 50 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

    Home-made dew shields are one of the most attempted (and successful) astro projects. If you're going to use a plastic pipe like the one you linked, it would not have much tolerance between being too loose to stay on, and too tight to get on. That's why options with some adjustment are usually preferred (the ubiquitous yoga mat).


    Yes, I'd need to caliper the i.d. to make sure there's enough room. Too loose would be better if anything...I could pack out with some rubber.

  8. Have some pegs to play around with. And yes, have a dew shield from Astrozap already! I'm surprised Skywatcher or an aftermarket company don't produce a rigid dew shield for the Maks. I'm tempted to see what I can do with this - https://www.screwfix.com/p/manrose-150mm-round-ducting-0-35m/686GY?tc=JT1&ds_kid=92700055281954508&ds_rl=1249404&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIja2L_drB9wIVbhoGAB1m1Q4DEAQYAyABEgIVwPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds - and some black felt.

  9. Got out a bit later last night and went through the initialising and 2-star alignment. Started with Pollux, then sent the mount to Arcturus - easily visible to me but JUST behind the guttering for the 'scope. So I fudged it a bit and selected the moon as a target. Went straight there, not dead centre but visible in the 25mm eyepiece. Selected a couple of Messiers to view, but they were both below the horizon - must get a list showing locations for the future. So, lessons learned -

       Spend more time picking a viewing point. A bit difficult in a small garden, hopefully better when I can get out and about.

       And more time on alignment.

       Try using the tripod not extended and with a chair/stool.

       May be getting a Telrad from someone in my local club, but think I will still need a 90 degree RACI.

      Some weight in the accessory tray to reduce vibration.

       Clothes peg or Lego wheel focuser trick.

       Eventually (when I have more of an idea what I need) eyepieces and possibly a better diagonal.

    One issue that I had with the SynScan - didn't always want to respond to key inputs. I've done a search but haven't found anything quite like this. I was running off a pack of AA batteries, which I know is not ideal (Have a lithium battery arriving later today) Could this be the problem? Or something as simple as not pushing the keys hard enough? The firmware seems fairly current, V4.something - I'll check later.

    Another thing I need to sort out for the future - I've seen suggestions to replace the existing visual back and diagonal with ones using brass compression rings to better secure and protect eyepieces, but to check whether the back is a 45mm or 50mm. Is this a simple as removing the back and measuring the diameter of the hole?

    • Like 1
  10. So, having jumped on the "what telescope" merry-go-round I went through most possible combinations - 

     - before finally doing what most people suggested and getting a 6" Dob, in my case the FLO Ursa Major - 

     - but sadly didn't get on with that. Not an issue with the 'scope, just my aging frame. Allied to that, I was having some trouble finding my way around the night sky, So lots of frustration. Back to square one.

    After plenty of angst and many emails back and forth between myself and Chris at FLO (on holiday from Youtubing?) I settled on the SkyMax127 SynScan AZ Goto. A 127mm - well, 119mm apparent - Maksutov on a steel tripod and Alt/Az goto mount with none of yer new-fangled wifi. (Yes, I'm an old Luddite) SynScan handset, an AA battery pack, 25mm and 10mm eyepieces and a x2 Barlow. Nice and simple? Well, still working my way through the instruction manual. But with a clear sky and a crescent moon visible, I gave up on the "complicated" stuff and just shot for the moon guiding manually.

    And wow! Fantastic views with the usual for Skywatcher Super 25mm. Seemed nice and crisp with little noticeable chromatic aberration, although that might have been down to excitement on my part. Even better with the Barlow, but the 10mm was a little tricky - first on the upgrade list? Manual alt/az control seemed nice and smooth, and I hadn't realised the mount was set on Rate 9 (fastest) so slow motion control can only improve with practise.

    Still a few things to try/sort out - need to get used to the SynScan and try dropping...I mean lowering...the tripod and observing from a seat - but I think I'm hooked. Clear skies forecast for later, so may be out seeing if I can get a decent 2-star alignment. In the meantime, watch this space!

    • Like 12
  11. 33 minutes ago, doublevodka said:

    With a bit of extra inspiration from this thread, looks like I'm picking up a used Skymax 127 on an az-gti mount on Saturday 🤦‍♂️🤣

    I've been missing the ease of my Nexstar 4SE, there's a lot to be said for a lightweight setup so looks like I'm joining the 127 club with you 🤣

    Not MORE clouds! 😆 Have a lithium battery arriving tomorrow and looks like there may be some clear skies at some point. Can't wait to get up and out.

    There are plenty of tips on upgrades here, but the general opinion seems to be that the bits with the Skymax are enough to get started. Although I'm already drooling over eyepieces...compression ring adaptors...Telrads...too much shiney stuff...!

    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, bosun21 said:

    Good choice Paul 👍 When I use mine I don’t extend the tripod legs and use a chair or stool for comfort and ease of use. It’s also far more steady this way. It’s completely your choice of course. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I have with mine.

    Thanks for the tip - must give that a try!

    • Like 2
  13. Much easier to set up and shift around. And I think viewing will be better, although I'll still need a stool of some sort. And the other (better?) half is a lot happier that I won't do myself an injury. 🙄

    No power as yet, so I won't be setting up properly until after the Bank Holiday. (Unless the powertank I have a lead on turns up) But the weather's looking typical for holidays and new toys!

    • Like 2
  14. Wow...I don't think I've EVER been dealt with by any other company this efficiently or courteously! One telescope returned (arrived at FLO yesterday), another ordered yesterday and now due for delivery...


    ...plus a huge amount of helpful email advice!

    The weather's looking fairly horrible for the next few nights here (of course - I'm on holiday and will have a new 'scope 😠), but at least I'll have time to get used to the SynScan. And work out how soon I can afford a Powertank!

    I'd like to update on progress; should I continue with this thread (and change the name AGAIN?) or start a new one - and if so in which forum?

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